Sonja Aiello’s video from the gym caused a social storm.

Wellness coach Sonja Aiello competed in the Survivors program in 2023. Miia Siren
On Monday, wellness coach Sonja Aiello raised some anger with her Instagram video. On Monday, Aiello went to the Elixia gym in Ruoholahti, Helsinki, and shot a video in the locker room with other people in the background.
The video was filmed for a commercial purpose for a brand, but the video in question was not in cooperation with Elixia. However, it is clear from Aiello’s Instagram that his gym membership for Elixia has been obtained through commercial cooperation.
People were outraged by the video on social media and speculated that the gym’s filming rules were probably violated in the case.
Aleksi Virkkunen, Elixian Country Manager, confirmed to Iltalehti that it is a rule violation. He states that it is unequivocally forbidden to take pictures or shoot videos in Elixia’s dressing rooms.
Sonja Aiello is a well-known wellness coach and social media personality. Matti Matikainen
Elixia’s rules also state that it is generally prohibited for Elixia to take photos or videos of other members or Elixia staff, including people in the background, without their consent.
According to Virkkunen, Elixia has received feedback about the incident through its customer service as well as its anonymous reporting channel and social media channels. In the feedback, they wanted to inform Elixia about the matter and asked whether the activity in question is permitted, as well as what measures Elixia intends to take regarding the matter.
Virkkunen says that he discussed the matter with Sonja Aiello on Tuesday. According to Virkkunen, Aiello understood the situation, is sorry for what happened and promised to apologize for the matter on his social media channels.
Aiello has also removed the video filmed in the locker room from his social media channel.
On Tuesday, Sonja Aiello published a public apology in her Instagram stories, in which she regrets what happened. Instagram stories are visible 24 hours after publication.
– I want to publicly apologize for my thoughtlessness. Yesterday I shot a video in the gym in the locker room, where other people were then visible, Aiello writes in his story.
– I want to deeply regret this. We humans make mistakes, and I raise my hand as a sign of a mistake, Aiello says in the video.
– It was handled incorrectly and I promise that this will not happen again, he states.
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