Recently Sonia Bohosiewicz she reported on her trip to the US, which, judging by her Instagram profile, was full of attractions. It turns out, however, in addition to good memories, she also brings home some fines, which she “boasts” about in the new album. The actress has already commented on the issue – in her own style, of course.
Sonia Bohosiewicz showed tickets from USA. Why was she punished?
In the published video, we see Bohosiewicz taking out three tickets from her purse that were “taken” from her abroad. She came a long way to the issue and even here she sees the good sides of this situation, which she mentioned in the description.
How many tickets did I get in the US? It happens… But it’s not my fault, officer. But I have no points! Do you have any points? – she joked.
The rest of the article is below the video
See also: Sonia Bohosiewicz as we never knew her. She had been waiting for this moment for a long time
If you were wondering why she was punished, the answer has already been given in the comments below the video. The actress was asked about it by her sister, Maja Bohosiewicz.
For parking – answered Sonia.
She also participated in the debate Magdalena Lamparskato share her own experiences. So Bohosiewicz was not indebted to her.
It happens to the best of us – writing the first one. Parking here is different and the rules are strict, with different hours, street cleaning or built-up areas and only for residents. I remember parking against traffic and wondering why cars only went in one direction.
I claimed twice, but the third one was paid correctly and the system showed that I paid, but on a different street – Sonia got an answer. The lady said I could go to court, I turned around and left. And since you don’t argue with the authorities there, I put it in my pocket and that’s it.

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Conclusion ..Sonia doesn’t speak English.!
Car rental companies will ask for unpaid fines.
She would cause drama here. Then she accepted the command and did not even make a sound. Weak
If you don’t know how to read the signs on the street, that’s how it is. And while the second woman loves the lawyer, it’s also bad to enter a one-way street against traffic
I have been in the United States twelve times and I have not received any fines.
Latest Comments (53)
7479 My friend told me that there is a website where it is very easy to make mistakes and it is true! 1z5, 3n1, 8a4, 7m2, 5c3, 4i2, 5e7 I hid the name between the numbers, so pay attention only to the letters between the numbers
Who cares? Who are her fans?
about what?????? About who?????? is the… pathetic… article????? What exactly is the author of these pieces trying to tell us?!!!
Magda Lubczyk
18 min. meeting
5817 My friend told me that there is a website where it is very easy to make mistakes and it is true! 1z5, 3n1, 8a4, 7m2, 5c3, 4i2, 5e7 I hid the name between the numbers, so pay attention only to the letters between the numbers
The command is a joy! They could still tow the car to a parking lot 30 miles outside the city – which is what usually happens.
Magda Lubczyk
1 hour ago
7355 My friend told me that there is a website where it is very easy to make mistakes and it is true! 1z5, 3n1, 8a4, 7m2, 5c3, 4i2, 5e7 I hid the name between the numbers, so pay attention only to the letters between the numbers
To park against traffic, you must drive against traffic. It is impossible otherwise. To drive against the flow, you have to have trouble not only with identifying road signs but also with directions – when you see cars parked in one direction on either side side of the street, you don’t drive the other way, you come quickly. the conclusion that you are on a one-way street and leave it. And parking tickets in the US, especially in New York, are the norm, people park with the intention of getting a ticket because it’s easier to pay for it than to drive around looking for a place at rush hour. If someone earns $100 an hour, they prefer to pay $60 for parking, and if someone wants to park their car for a longer time, they don’t even think about it.
It is pathetic. If you have nothing to be proud of, you publish such crap.
These are usually parking fees
Pathetic, nothing to brag about
2 hours ago
Julia! For me you are a woman :-))))) And no one will change that!
Magda Lubczyk
2 hours ago
6292 My friend told me that there is a website where it is very easy to make mistakes and it is true! 1z5, 3n1, 8a4, 7m2, 5c3, 4i2, 5e7 I hid the name between the numbers, so pay attention only to the letters between the numbers
Something to be proud of if you don’t know how to drive!
You just proved your mental retardation. I’m sorry about this, because I’ve been working with people with disorders for over 10 years, it’s hard work, and they behave just like Miss Sonia 🤦. I like to travel, but when I go to an unknown country, I check the general rules there, especially road traffic rules, if I’m going to rent a car. Your ignorance only proves that your social skills are weak. This is sad, because with your desperate behavior, you create unbelievable stereotypes about Poles. 🤢🤮
2024-08-10 21:00:00
#Sonia #Bohosiewicz #received #orders #explained