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Songo-La Maya and San Luis highlighted their response to voluntary blood donations

Beatriz Johnson Urrutia, first secretary of the Party in Santiago de Cuba, today highlighted the popular response to the call made by the political organization to promote massive voluntary blood donation days.

“Yesterday in Songo-La Maya there was a day of joy, in which workers from various sectors, members of the CDR, federations, farmers and militants of the Union of Young Communists went to the headquarters of the Municipal Government to make their contribution to the Voluntary Blood Donation Program with 123 donations.

“And today in San Luis we are seeing a response on a par with the land of Los Maceo. It is estimated that more than 100 people from San Luis will donate their blood to help save lives in our province,” he said.

The member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and the Council of State also pointed out that these events are part of the province’s strategy to reach the 66th anniversary of the Revolution with superior results in the social and economic spheres; an effort in which the mobilizing capacity of political and mass organizations in each municipality is essential.

Every outstretched arm is an act of love
At 5:40 am this Wednesday, the day began at the headquarters of the Municipal Government of Songo-La Maya.
There was Yudislasydis Montoya Peña, along with her colleagues from the Federation of Cuban Women.

She arrived at dawn, and while waiting for the moment to be evaluated by the doctors before donating, she considered it “a duty and a great satisfaction to respond to the call of the Party leadership” with the purpose of promoting such an altruistic and noble task.

“I have been donating since 2010, and it is always an honour to do so because I know that my blood can save someone else’s life. And that is the greatest reward for those of us who come to extend our hand,” he emphasised.

After the required medical check-up, four extraction points made the process viable, until more than one hundred deliveries were made.

Experience has confirmed that it is possible to increase the contribution of the population eligible to donate, thereby eliminating the non-compliance of the territory in previous months.

“We have had difficulty with mobilization, but strategies have been taken and we hope to make progress in blood donations. That is why this event is a boost for us; it shows that we can do more for this program,” said Dr. Yaimé Ramos Isaac, General Director of Health in Songo-La Maya.

San Luis is one of the municipalities that stands out for its contribution of vital liquid to the health system.

“This is a very noble program, and our people always respond. We had very good results in the first half of 2024. Currently, we have a plan of 285 monthly donations. In July, we did not manage to reach this figure because many people were affected by arbovirosis, but they have already recovered. And proof of this is what happened today: more than 100 San Luis residents have come to the Blood Bank held at the Tabaco Torcido San Luis UEB,” said Dr. Mercedes Coello Vidal, head of the Voluntary Blood Donations Program in the demarcation.

Similar events are planned in Palma Soriano and the municipality of Santiago de Cuba, and last Monday one took place in Guamá.

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