Peter Kauerz from Münchweiler likes the oldies of the 60s, especially songs by the Rolling Stones or the Beatles. “You are often asked whether you are more of a Stones or Beatles fan. I like both bands very much and can’t even make up my mind, ”he told RHEINPFALZ. On his mobile phone, Kauerz uses the music streaming service Spotify, where he has created a long playlist of his favorite songs. The Stones’ last studio album, the new edition of the classic “Goats Head Soup”, can be found on it, as well as the legendary “Fab Four” evergreens. “This music just reminds me of my youth. I was about 18 years old when all these great songs were playing up and down the radio. At home I still have all the vinyl records that I won’t give away, ”says Kauerz. The time when he sat in front of the radio armed with a cassette and recorded his favorite music is also unforgettable for him. “It could quickly turn into a drama when the presenter chatted into the songs,” he says and laughs. Kauerz has at least seen his idols from the Rolling Stones live. In the Mannheim SAP Arena, he was able to watch the charismatic singer Mick Jagger whirling across the stage.
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