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Song and Dance Festival 2023 – The Power of Songs Makes Beautiful: Impressions, Photos, and Survey

Song and Dance Festival 2023 – final concert

Anita Bormane, “Kultūrzīme”, JSC “Latvijas Mediji”

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The exchange of mutual energy between the choristers and the audience in the waves of power flowing back and forth, which seems to warm the cool evening, the ocean of lights from both sides of this magical space – the singers in the Silver Grove and the audience area – as Raimonds Tigul’s “Jump, sun” is playing, the singer and the audience standing ovation to the Latvian national anthem – Mārtiņš Braun’s “Saule, Pērkons, Daugava” – and other favorite songs. Choir grand concert “Tirums. Song road” with the majestic sounding anthem of Ukraine. So much….

These are some of the memories that will remain indelible in my mind when I think about the just passed Song and Dance Festival dedicated to 150 years of tradition.


Yes, the holiday had problems with quite basic trust in the participants in purely domestic matters, because there was no lack of it in the big ones – when I was on stage at the closing concert “Together up”, I thought – how smart and disciplined a nation we are, which is able to spend the entire holiday without major incidents, because so in a large number of people, various unpleasant things can happen. Yes, some initially said that the food was pointless for the participants, and cucumbers have already become synonymous with questionable quality of food. Yes, some did not like that they could not bring water, other drinks and their own food to the stage. And that unfortunate sausage that spoiled in the hot weather… I think that a very short time will pass and all these absences will already be forgotten.

Although – “Cultural signs” will also wait for the post-holiday conference expected in autumn, where we will ask whether the holiday tradition can change over time or whether it should be cemented. The pre-holiday incident with the Riga Projects choir, which did not make it to the choir wars due to non-compliance with the criteria, is a good example in this respect. Also, the already mentioned trust in the participants of the festival, so that they do not sometimes feel like too controlled little children. In the end, the excessive institutionalization of the festival, although it seems that the example of the festivals of our neighbors – Estonians and Lithuanians – when they are held in a green meadow and only a part of the concert hall seats are sold, will hardly be suitable for Latvia either.

On social networks, you could see that some representatives of the foreign diplomatic corps reported on the holiday with interest, but the eternal question is probably relevant – how loud they were in general – at least in Europe. You can also ask if the Ukrainian national anthem should not have been sung at the closing concert “Together up” – showing honor and respect?

However, we will discuss all this a little later. Now let’s enjoy the good aftertaste left by the holiday and let’s not forget that Latvians and other peoples who live in Latvia and respect its language and culture are very beautiful when they are united together.

The power of songs makes beautiful


Feeling – one voice, one song

What are your impressions of the Closing Concert of the Song and Dance Festival “Together Up”?

Zigmunds Bekmanis, “Kultūrzīmes”, JSC “Latvijas Mediji”

Ingūna Dukure (Valmiera): “I sing in the choir, but I didn’t make it to the final concert because I lost my voice. Singing in the Silver Grove is absolutely magnificent, magical and exhilarating. Being among the singers, there is one feeling – one voice, one song, another feeling – listening to singing and watching people from the side. Both feelings are different. Some people have come to a picnic and do not hear anything backstage and are not even interested in what is happening on the stage. I used to be a dancer, I have participated in many festivals, and I have my own place in Mežapark, from which I follow what is happening.

I got the impression that some people came here for incomprehensible reasons and do not take their eyes off their phone screens, including the dancers. There were still a bunch of people who didn’t understand that you shouldn’t take small children with you to such big events, for whom such events are too long and tiring. There are also those who cannot sit still and are always on the go. But then the song “Kur tu bija, balelini” starts playing, and suddenly everyone falls silent. What is happening for real also takes hold of those who were not yet ready for the celebration. All in all, an excellent, high-quality holiday. I watched the dress rehearsal of the dance performance “Eternal Engine”, and later also the live broadcast of this concert on television. Throughout this song and dance festival, my heart vibrated to the point of tears.”

Photo: Zigmunds Bekmanis

Aiva Medne (Riga): “My feelings at this Song Festival could be called interesting. I participated as a singer in the previous festival. I sang in the Ķekava choir, but this time I didn’t get to become a member of the festival, because I became a mother between the two Song Festivals and I couldn’t find a choir where I could sing. The final concert “Up together” is the only one I will have attended on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Song Festival.”

Photo: Timur Subhankulov


Kaspars Adamsons, chief conductor of the XXVII Song Festival: “Besides performing direct work duties, I have seen quite a bit of the festival, because compared to the previous Song Festival, there was a lot more to do – I was one of the choirs in the big concert “Tīrums. Song Path” for artistic directors. However, I tried to attend the festive events that I could make it to – the opening concert and the participants’ ball – at least for an hour and a half to be with my family. Also tonight, when I was riding the tram to the closing concert “Together up” in Mežapark, I was pleasantly surprised. It was neither painful nor long or difficult as I had been warned. Everything went very smoothly. Of course, I was recognized. He asked for autographs in the songbooks for the songs I conducted and wanted to take a picture together both on the tram and in the Silver Grove. I really felt a sense of celebration at every step.”

Photo: Zane Bitere/LETA


2023-07-12 09:17:22
#power #song #dance #report #beautiful #moments #holiday

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