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“Son too!”…The meaning behind Son Heung-min’s’W’

picture explanation[출처 : 연합뉴스]

It is interpreted that Son Heung-min (29, Tottenham) performed a ceremony in which he made a’W’ shape with both hands in a game where he achieved his career high because of his promise with a child fan who is struggling.

On the 19th (local time), the story spread that Son Heung-min met a child fan suffering from leukemia in Korea three years ago through the American online community’Reddit’ and Twitter, and promised to play a’W’ ceremony if he scored at this place. Are doing.

Son Heung-min scored the first goal of the team in the 13th minute in the first leg of the 2020-2021 European Football Federation (UEFA) Europa League round of 32 against Wolfsberger at the Pushkasi Arena in Budapest, Hungary. With this goal, Son Heung-min scored a career high with 18 goals and 13 assists this season and a total of 31 attack points.

After scoring a goal, Son Heung-min made a’W’ shape with both hands toward the camera, and his teammate, Bale, took the same pose.

Among fans,’W’ has been interpreted in various ways, such as representing the nationality of Bale and Wales.

British Football London referred to a post posted on Reddit and said, “This was the meaning of the ceremony for Bale and Son Heung-min. But I don’t know why Son Heung-min held the ceremony on this day, years after meeting Hwan-ah.”

Local fans responded to this news, such as’Excellent’ and’I can’t help but love Son Heung-min’.

[고득관 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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