Home » today » Business » Son of Óscar González Daher reduced prison sentence for money laundering and enrichment to five and a half years

Son of Óscar González Daher reduced prison sentence for money laundering and enrichment to five and a half years

Asunción: Óscar Rubén González Chaves, son of the late Senator Óscar González Daher, was sentenced in a new trial to five years and six months in prison plus the confiscation of 29,237,756,115 guaranies.

Judges Matías Garcete and Adriana Planás voted by a majority for the above-mentioned sentence, while their colleague Karina Cáceres voted for the application of the sentence of four years in prison. The accused is said to have cried in front of the judges.

In a detailed explanation, Judge Matías Garcete pointed out that they were competent to judge the case, that the lawsuit was fully final and then explained the facts proven.

They stated that they could judge this on the basis of the special seizure of the replacement value requested by the prosecution, in view of the defence’s argument that this point had already been established by the decision of the criminal chamber of the court.

The judges also considered that it had been proven that illegal capital investments by the defendant Óscar Rubén González Chaves were used to purchase two properties for the company Príncipe Di Savoia.

In addition, three properties and fixed deposit accounts (CDA) were not declared in the affidavit filed with the Court of Auditors in January 2016 and February 2018, which meant that a false declaration had been made.

The majority of judges therefore sentenced González Chaves to five and a half years in prison, in addition to the special confiscation of the replacement value of the above-mentioned sum. In the minority, Judge Cáceres considered that the fair and reasonable sentence to avoid double judgment was four years in prison.

The defense will appeal against the new verdict

Lawyer Claudio Lovera, defender of Óscar González Chaves, announced that he would appeal against the decision of the sentencing court, although he stressed that this would prove that the appeals filed were not harassment.

He said that he had now been sentenced to 5 years and 6 months in prison, while in the first trial the prosecution demanded 10 years in prison and imposed 8 years on him.

Weekly Newspaper / Última Hora

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