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Son-in-law is being questioned and Trump cannot be president? Harris is rescued and the UK takes action – US News


Son-in-law is being questioned and Trump cannot be president? Harris is rescued and the UK takes action

Source: Backchina.com Special Topic: Latest updates on Trump’s candidacy for US President!

The decisive battle for the US election has begun, and more than 20 million people have already voted in advance. The Democratic Party stopped pretending and attacked Trump from three aspects (special topic), vowing to keep him out of the White House and win this crucial election. But on the other side, the “jigsaw puzzle” for Trump to return to the White House has been put together, which makes the US election situation even more confusing!

As the most important swing state in the U.S. election, Georgia has opened early voting and broke a record on the same day, with nearly three times more participants than four years ago. This also shows that the American people are enthusiastic about voting. This is not good news for Republican candidate Trump, because the more people vote, the greater the advantage of the Democratic Party’s base can be fully exerted, increasing the election winning rate.

But more troublesome things may lie ahead. The Democratic Party has completely stopped pretending and is attacking Trump from three aspects, not wanting him to return to the White House.

On October 24, Democratic congressmen called on the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate Trump’s son-in-law Kushner. Democrats claim that during Trump’s first term, Kushner was not only a senior adviser to his father-in-law, but also had cooperative relationships with Saudi Arabia and other countries, earning $157.5 million per year. The Democratic Party believes that these circumstances are sufficient to prove that Kushner is a “foreign agent” and his actions violate U.S. laws and should be punished.

It is obvious that the Democratic Party has once again played the “judicial card” against Trump to prevent him from returning to the White House. Especially when U.S. President Biden was campaigning for Harris, he publicly stated, “We want to lock up Trump.” Although Biden quickly realized that this statement was inappropriate and hurriedly stated that “it is just a political lock-up, which means to end Trump’s political career,” his true thoughts have been revealed and he has considered using “government machinery.”

Interestingly, the Democratic Party also invited “foreign aid.” The British ruling party Labor Party has sent party workers to many swing states in the United States to help the Democratic Party conduct election campaigns. Faced with the accusations from the Trump team, the Labor Party admitted that they sent personnel, but insisted that “these people are just volunteers” and said that “it is not uncommon for supporters of a political party in one country to canvass votes for a sister party in another country.” Obviously, the Labor Party no longer pretends and clearly supports the position of the Democratic Party.

At the same time, 23 Nobel laureates signed a joint action to publicly support Harris, claiming that “Compared with Trump, Harris can better manage the U.S. economy.” In fact, in the past two general elections, these Nobel laureates have carried out joint actions calling on the American people not to vote for Trump. The main reason was the latter’s economic plan. But the real reason is that American academia is dominated by liberals. Anyone who supports the conservative Trump will be criticized. For example, Mankiw, George W. Bush’s economic adviser, was kicked out of class by Harvard students because of his support for the Republican Party, and posters were posted to criticize him.

Moreover, these Nobel Prize winners also know very well that Harris has no ability. Recently, Gabbard, a former Democrat, publicly announced her joining the Republican Party at a Trump campaign rally. This minority female politician will become the final “jigsaw puzzle” for Trump to return to the White House. Ironically, Gabbard came first in the 2020 Democratic primary and defeated Harris head-on. But in the end, the top leaders of the Democratic Party chose Harris, but Gabbard was not even invited to the Democratic Convention that year and left the Democratic Party angrily.

Although the Democratic Party has launched a three-sided attack, judging from multiple polls of the US election, Trump still has an advantage of at least 2 percentage points over Harris, and the situation is still very anxious. It’s hard to say whether Trump will return to the White House or Harris will make American history. Everything will be revealed on November 5.

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