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Sometimes there’s even pure folly in the Freiburg savings bank – Freiburg

The Sparkasse Freiburg – Nördlicher Breisgau not only supports the Breisgau fools’ guild with money. For more than 40 years, exhibitions have been held in the main office during the carnival season.

The Breisgauer Narrenzunft (BNZ) needs financial support for its many charitable projects. She learns this from the members through annual contributions and the sale of removal pins, but also through regular support from the city of Freiburg, the Ganter brewery, the Bötzingen winegrowers’ cooperative and the Sparkasse Freiburg – Nördlicher Breisgau.

As early as the 1960s, the counters of Freiburg’s largest bank were closed on the afternoons of carnival and ‘Zischdig’. Later it was closed all day on Fasnetmändig (Shrove Monday) and on Tuesday (almost) “normal” work was done. Because on this day, the counter staff could always come in costume and in the boardrooms many a valuable silk tie was cut and one or the other champagne bottle was beheaded. It was in 1980 when the then chairman Dieter Merkle had the idea of ​​holding an exhibition in the entrance hall of what was then the Municipal Savings Bank and inviting people to a fools’ reception. Roland Schneble, Head of Marketing at the time, and Hans Sigmund, responsible for organization and IT, took care of the execution. Both were heavily involved in the Freiburg Fasnet. In 1980 the Herdermer Lalli celebrated their 50th anniversary. They got a large handcart from farmer Wilhelm Lebtig’s farm on the Hebsackgut on the Sonnhalde and Eichhalde, dismantled it and carried the individual parts to the city centre. There it was reassembled and filled with straw bales. As a precaution, the Sparkasse safety officer immediately placed four hand-held fire extinguishers on the wheels. Five lallinarren (dolls) with the early wooden masks of the guild cavorted on the wagon. However, since these were needed for parades and performances, they were removed every weekend and returned to the dolls on Monday. This year, for the 42nd time, a reception was held last week, now in the large Meckelhalle. The protectorate guilds of the past two years, carters and weather witches, show their valuable exhibits. Daniel Zeiler, the new chairman of the Sparkasse, welcomed the many guests from politics and business, the fools’ associations and the guilds. Up to and including Ash Wednesday, February 22, you can still visit the exhibition during the opening hours of the Sparkasse, Kaiser-Joseph-Straße 186-190. Admission is free.

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