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“Sometimes people can no longer walk 2 meters” – Wel.nl

In many cases, after you are cured from Covid-19, it is not ready. Thousands of patients suffer from lung complaints. The injury, including severely reduced lung contents, may be permanent.

That says the chairman of the Dutch Association of Doctors for Pulmonary Diseases and Tuberculosis (Nvalt) Leon van den Toorn in Algemeen Dagblad. “In severe cases, a kind of scar formation occurs, which we call lung fibrosis. The lungs shrink and the lung tissue becomes stiffer, making it harder to get enough oxygen. ”

Van den Toorn expects that “there may be thousands of people in the Netherlands who suffer permanent injury to the lungs from corona,” he says in the AD. Of all IC patients who survived, “almost 100 percent left home with residual damage.” Half of the approximately 6,000 people who ended up in hospital because of corona had complaints afterwards, the lung specialist estimates.

But even if you can pick out Covid-19 at home, it is not excluded that you will have residual damage. “If you had less serious complaints, such as sniffing, coughing and fever for a few days, you will most likely not be left with residual damage. But we must also be aware of persistent complaints in this group. We now have no idea how big that group is. If you are still unable to climb the stairs properly six weeks after the symptoms started, this is reason for further investigation by the pulmonologist. If you lose a piece of lung content, that does not mean that you are immediately a greenhouse plant. But in the most serious cases, people can walk less than two meters, when they are already short of breath. In some cases it can save half of the lung contents and only one third of the oxygen is absorbed, “the doctor said.

Sources): AD –

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