Home » today » World » Something wrong? China just urgently evacuated overseas Chinese and Putin declared “martial law” in the 4 occupied areas of Wudong | International | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Something wrong? China just urgently evacuated overseas Chinese and Putin declared “martial law” in the 4 occupied areas of Wudong | International | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Reporter Yang Peiqi / Full report


▲ Only after China issued an emergency evacuation of overseas Chinese was it reported that Putin would declare martial law in Russia and blockade the entire country. (Photo / Excerpt from the Kremlin’s Twitter)

Whether Russian President Vladimir Putin will use nuclear weapons against Ukraine is currently at the heart of the world’s extreme concern, especially when the Chinese embassy in Ukraine suddenly issued a “citizen evacuation notice”. According to Russian media, members of the Senate of the Russian Federation suddenly received a notice on the 19th, asking to work overtime for a meeting, and Putin will also hold a meeting of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. After the meeting, it was announced that the occupied areas of 4 eastern Ukraine and 8 areas of Russia near the Ukrainian border, including the Crimean peninsula, will be subject to martial law from midnight, i.e. October 20, but the borders will not be be closed for the moment.

The places where martial law has been applied include Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporozhye in eastern Ukraine, as well as the Crimean Peninsula, Saivanburg and Belgorod in the Russian Federation, Texas, Buyansk, Flonis, Cusk, Rostov, Krasnodar Territory .

According to a report by RIA Novosti, the latest Russian martial law prohibits citizens from leaving the country, evacuating economic, social and cultural structures and temporarily transferring residents to safe areas. Introduce special entry and exit controls to allow citizens to work for national defense needs, confiscate goods needed for national defense needs from organizations and citizens who pay their bills according to the state. The latest is the introduction of military censorship in the field of communications for the control of telephone exchanges.

According to Russian and Ukrainian media reports, members of the parliament of the Russian Federation received text messages on the 19th, asking them to stay at 5 o’clock to work overtime for the meeting after the normal discussion at 3 pm. It caused a lot of arguments among many members, because the parliament never worked overtime to hold such a meeting.

As for the so-called issue, according to reports, a Russian congressman revealed that he was not told the reason, but it could be related to Putin’s security meeting and it is not excluded that a full-scale martial law could be announced. national, the borders will be closed, or the central government power group There will be major personnel changes. Because the Chamber has the emergency prerogative to impose martial law or to restrict entry.

According to Chinese state media reports, on the 19th the Chinese Embassy in Ukraine suddenly issued the “Notice on the provision of guidelines for relocation and evacuation and agreements on consular services for Chinese citizens in Ukraine”, stating that due to the serious security situation in Ukraine, there is great uncertainty and “safety comes first”, life is paramount “, to ensure the safety of Chinese citizens in Ukraine and facilitate immediate evacuation, so they were issued guidelines for emergency evacuation.

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