Home » today » Technology » Something inexplicable is happening on Saturn’s moon Enceladus. It could be underwater life, says the study – ČT24 – Czech Television

Something inexplicable is happening on Saturn’s moon Enceladus. It could be underwater life, says the study – ČT24 – Czech Television

Observations of this probe showed that Enceladus has an inner liquid ocean. And an analysis of the Cassini data found that clouds of water ice were hovering over its south pole. It comes from the so-called cryovolcanism – ice is ejected by dozens of geysers, caused by hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the ocean. Some of these particles have such a velocity that they fly into space and contribute to the existence of one of Saturn’s rings. But the mystery is how they can gain such speed.

On Earth, microbial ecosystems rich in organisms (so-called archea) capable of producing methane are found in such deep-sea vents.

In a new study, the researchers examined whether methane of biological origin could explain the enormous energy of the released particles. The authors of the work that was published in early June in the journal Nature Astronomy, argues that the observed escape rates cannot be explained by known natural processes. But on the contrary, they correspond to the fact that the conditions at the bottom of the ocean are favorable for life, which would release methane. At the same time, scientists admit that the source could be a hitherto undescribed geological process related to methane, which has no biological origin – but this could only be confirmed by other missions.

Enceladus is the number one target

There are growing demands among astronomers for a new expedition to set out for Enceladus as soon as possible to use modern instruments to find better evidence of what is really going on in the oceans beneath the frozen surface.

Such a mission would not have to be technically difficult. “You wouldn’t even have to land on the surface, it would be enough to fly around,” astronomer Frank Postberg commented for the Guardian. “This is not science fiction. We would just fly there and see if life was there or not. ”

However, an expedition would be ideal, which would be able to send a remote-controlled submarine to the local ocean, which would explore everything on the spot. But that is still technologically far removed; The planned German project Enceladus Explorer, which would like to send a probe to the surface of the moon nicknamed the Ice Mole, is closest to this. She would drill through the ice and take water samples.

Other indications

Three years ago, German and American scientists discovered in Cassini flyby data that there were traces of organic molecules in these eruptions that are more complex than terrestrial amino acids and ten times heavier than methane.

This and other discoveries deepen scientists’ interest in Enceladus; of all the known cosmic bodies, it has the conditions most suitable for the origin or existence of life. There are indications that highly complex molecules may exist in this environment. Of course, this is not proof that there is life on Enceladus, but rather tells scientists that there is nothing to prevent it from occurring on Saturn’s moon.

These are the necessary conditions for life to prosper. There could even be traces of extraterrestrial microbe remnants, but these substances could also be formed by completely natural reactions that have nothing to do with life.

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