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Some products in oil withdrawn: the alarm from the Ministry of Health


Withdrew some very common fish preserves: pay attention to these products in oil.

The product, under the Mareblu brand, concerns some of the most loved preserves by Italians.

Yes it’s about anchovy fillets in olive oil and Mareblu extra virgin olive oil, withdrawn from the shelves of many supermarkets in recent days.

Mareblu fillets withdrawn from the market: the details

The product is marketed under the name of the company Mareblu srl, but it is produced by Conocrio Group Compagnia Americana de Conservas SAC

To identify the plant, reference must be made to the Sector Mogote Grande s/n San Andreas, Ica, Peru headquarters. The brand name to identify it establishment is P184 – E – CMAE.

To identify the withdrawn goods, see i lot numbers.

In particular, i have been withdrawn Vero Sapore anchovy fillets in extra virgin olive oil with lot number:

  • 0000368375to be consumed by 12/10/2023;
  • 0000357182to be consumed by 09/15/2023.

And what’s more, the classic anchovy fillets have also been withdrawn in olive oil with lot number:

  • 0000368373;
  • 0000364577;
  • 0000357181.

These retired lots they will expire on 8/10/2023 and 14/09/2023.

As regards the weight of the withdrawn product, reference must be made to the net weight and to the net drained weight. In particular, the net one is equal to 90 g. while the drained net one, 48 g.

The reason for the withdrawal

The notice not to consume the aforementioned batches comes directly from the Ministry of Health.
In particular, the ministry recommends returning the products thus identified to the shop that sold them, even if you no longer have the purchase receipt. Even without the purchase receipt, the amounts spent to buy the product will still be refunded.

The reasons for the withdrawal are to be found in the notice published on the website of the Ministry of Health, which states that the above batches may contain a higher level of histamine to the extent permitted by law.

Foods that contain a lot of histamine: what are the risks?

I symptoms the most annoying that can arise after taking foods with a high presence of histamine range from palpitations to a marked redness in the face.
Histamine levels increase in poorly stored foods, which accelerates their deterioration process.

For example, think of meat or fish left out of the refrigerator for a long time.


In addition to the symptoms mentioned above, after eating foods with high levels of histamine you can have headache, fatigue, hot flushes, vomiting and nausea.

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