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some fans are louder than others, here’s why

If you are wondering why your new one PlayStation 5 louder than your friends, we may have the answer you are looking for. In fact, according to a recent investigation by the French portal Digital, it would seem that not all Sony consoles are equipped with the exact same fan.

As is often the case in technology, it happens that the products are not perfectly identical to each other and that some of them use slightly different components. Often these slight changes have no impact on the functioning of the product and it is almost impossible to notice, in other cases you can see the difference. In the second category we also find the fans of PlayStation 5, since they can be found inside the consoles two different types of fan, each with a different noise level. It should be noted that the difference between the two fans is not incredible, since we are talking about 39 dB for the least noisy (the one on the right in the photo at the bottom of the news) e 43 dB for the second (the one on the left in the photo below). In case you are wondering, this has nothing to do with the coil whine di PS5, which is a completely unrelated noise from the fan and emitted by the console components when it is under load.

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