we go through the conditionsweather.Rafael: Good afternoon everyone.we talk about the conditionsthe rest of the week.today is much more attractivethan yesterday.temperatures almost 50 degrees.we talk about a difference ofAverage 20 degrees aboveof the cold we have yesterday.I had promised them a jewel,although there are winds in someplaces.that makes thetemperatures a bit lower.tomorrow is going to feel a littlebelow what thethermometer.colder for friday andSaturday. 50 degrees for today,first Wednesday of the month.for tomorrow, normal range, 43at 45 degrees.below 40 degrees theFriday, Saturday and Sunday.the abbot was sittingMarch cold, and SundayWe reached 40.possibly 44 to 45 for thenext Monday.we will have a look forspring, between 53 and 54