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Some beaches in Florida open again despite the corona crisis


JACKSONVILLE (dpa-AFX) – Surfing and walking allowed, sunbathing prohibited: In the north of the US state of Florida, some beaches have been reopened under tightened conditions despite the ongoing Corona crisis. In a tweet, the Jacksonville City Crisis Management Authority called on citizens on Saturday to keep a distance of around two meters from other people when visiting the beach.

“This can be the beginning of the way back to normal life,” said Mayor Lenny Curry on Friday, according to a statement and appealed to people to adhere to the restrictions in force. For example, barbecues, chairs and blankets are not allowed on the beach. In addition, there are limited opening times in the morning and early evening hours.

Fox News TV station reported that hundreds of people took advantage of their regained freedom after the announcement on Friday afternoon and showed pictures of the hustle and bustle on the water. In the south of the state, which is more affected by the corona virus, beaches remained closed. According to the Johns Hopkins University, more than 24,700 infections with the Sars-CoV-2 pathogen have been detected in Florida./lkl/eka/DP/zb

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