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Solve your doubts about breastfeeding

Over the years, studies have made it clear that breastfeeding plays an essential role in the development of the baby, as well as in the mother’s recovery after delivery. “Breastfeeding is the natural, instinctive and physiological way to feed babies,” he says to ConSalud.es the Dra. Marta Gómez Fernández-Vegué, president of the Spanish Breastfeeding Association (Aelama).

“Breast milk is more than food”, so the job of professionals is to promote this practice for the benefit of mothers and babies. On the occasion of the celebration of the World Breastfeeding Week, which is held from August 1 to 7, below we solve the key doubts related to this practice.

  • What are the benefits of breastfeeding for the baby?

When breastfeeding, the baby not only receives “proteins, sugars and fats, but breast milk has many more components that could not be reproduced in the artificial formula: hormones, antibodies, living cells … Breast milk is liquid gold”, Informs Dr. Gómez. Also, breastfeeding creates an emotional bond between mother and baby. On the other hand, it has been proven that babies who drink breast milk have less risk of allergies, digestive or respiratory problems, diabetes, obesity, oral problems and sudden infant death syndrome.

  • What are the benefits of breastfeeding for the mother?

“Everything works like a hormonal mechanism.” When breastfeeding, hormones that are responsible for milk production, such as prolactin and oxytocin, also play an important role in breastfeeding. reduction in the size of the uterus and decreased bleeding after delivery. Breastfeeding also makes the mother regain her normal weight faster, since “breastfeeding requires an extra 500 calories a day to produce milk,” says the pediatrician. These effects are some of those that occur immediately, however, in the long term other benefits are observed, such as a reduction in the risk of breast or ovarian cancer, osteoporosis and metabolic diseases such as diabetes. “In the long term, breastfeeding is better for your health,” concludes the doctor.

On the other hand, to psychological and emotional level it also has its implications. When it works well, “breastfeeding gives a mother a feeling of being able to feed her child. Achieving these goals avoids the feeling of frustration, sometimes frequent ”. In addition, continuing to breastfeed when a mother suffers from postpartum depression improves the prognosis, “either because she feels capable or because it is easier for her not to lose the bond with the baby.”

  • How often does a baby have to eat?

During the first month of life, babies usually do between eight and twelve doses a day. In any case, experts recommend breastfeeding the baby “on demand”, that is, whenever the little one is hungry.

  • Can all mothers breastfeed?

“The vast majority, yes,” says pediatrician Marta Gómez. “In all my years of professional experience I have not come across a mother who had a disease that prevented her from breastfeeding.” Notes that there are exceptions for treatments or other external illnesses, such as chemotherapy or women who have had a mastectomy. In addition, it points out that, sometimes, in cosmetic breast augmentation operations, it may happen that part of the mammary gland is removed, making it difficult for breastfeeding to be exclusive.

  • Until when is exclusive breastfeeding recommended?

The WHO and UNICEF recommend that breastfeeding be exclusive up to six months. From this moment on, it is advisable to introduce solid foods little by little and combine complementary feeding with breastfeeding for up to two years. At this age, breastfeeding can be extended as long as mother and child want. The president of Aelama reports for this medium that “there is no specific age to wean. There are children who wean themselves and others who need more time ”.

  • What medications can be taken?

During breastfeeding, there are certain drugs that it is not recommended to take or that it is prohibited to ingest, since they can be passed to the baby through milk and harm him. For any questions about substances and drugs compatible with breastfeeding, the web was created e-lactancia.org. This page has been developed and recommended by expert lactation professionals. The web classifies all types of substances according to whether their risk is very low, low, high or very high. Also, if a drug is incompatible with breastfeeding, it offers safe alternatives.

  • Can you menstruate while breastfeeding?

No. Dr. Gomez reports that “hormones involved in milk production” also interfere with menstruation. When the body is producing milk, it “receives the message that it is not pregnant, so ovulation is canceled”. As the feedings begin to spread out, starting at six months, “the body receives the message that it can be fertile again” and it will begin to ovulate and, therefore, to menstruate.

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