The Central Blood Bank, under the province’s Ministry of Health, invites the community to donate blood, since there is a great demand for blood components throughout the province and the entry of voluntary donors has decreased in recent days.
Blood donation is a voluntary act in which the donor gives a certain amount of blood to a person for their speedy recovery. So that this gesture of solidarity does not produce unwanted effects on the blood product, the following rules must be respected:
-Be mayor of 16 to, up to 65 to.
-Be in good health
-Weigh more than 50 kg.
-Not having donated blood in the last 2 months.
-Not having received transfusions in the last 12 months.
-No tattoos or piercings have been made in the last 12 months.
-Not having had a childbirth, abortion or caesarean section in the last 12 months.
-Not having performed dental treatment in the last 72 hours.
-It is advisable to drink liquids or food without fat content prior to donating.
To request more information or calls, call 383 4534926 or 383 4759071.
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