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Solidarity, Laëticia’s watchword to deal with the virus

A very important momentum of solidarity was formed in Lunellois from the beginning of the crisis. One of the drivers was the rapid creation of a Facebook page called Solidarity Lunel coronavirus which quickly had more than 1,400 members. It was soon launched the announcement of the confinement by Annie Jego. “She saw that people were in trouble, that many needed help, advice”, says Laëticia Erikson. The latter, who has long had a self-help Facebook page on employment, was one of the first to join Solidarité Lunel coronavirus with Bénédicte Lelièvre-Châtau.

A fashion accessory

But Laëticia did not stop there. Like many members of the group, she quickly took an initiative. “I am not a seamstress but I have always liked to sew and I saw, from the start on the Facebook page, that a lot of people were distraught because they could not find masks”, she says. One year later, “all alone on my little machine “, she made more than 400 masks, including 150 for a retirement home.

From the start, she joined the Solidarity Seamstress group and adapted to the required standards. : “The Grenoble University Hospital had posted a tutorial with guidelines to meet the constraints”, she recalls. For the record, Laëticia Erikson first made three-ply masks, “but it was complicated”, she admits.

She then favored models that stick more to the face. “We really saw everything”, she smiles. It is true, the time is already long gone when, to manage the shortage of fabric, she called for the donation of sheets or pillowcases. “Today, we have a lot of different fabrics. Suddenly, I made a fashion accessory for adults or children. The idea now is to make wearing a mask as less restrictive as possible. “ Because more than ever, after a year of health crisis, Laëticia Erikson insists: “ The key word is come out masked! “

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