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Solidarity action: Who wants a private lesson with Jacques Dubochet or Yann Marguet’s sneakers? – Culture

A nod to Stromae’s song, “So we dance” calls to stand up and act while our world is on standby … It is precisely thanks to this unpleasant feeling of not being used for nothing that is born the operation “Then On Donne” in the spirit of Aurelia Jaquier, Vaudoise active in cultural and event environments.

Feeling worthless

“Two weeks ago, I was lying on my sofa and I felt totally useless, I who usually spend my life managing a thousand projects at a time. I told myself that I shouldn’t be the only one going around in circles while waiting for “normal” life to resume, “explains the young woman, always ready to weave links between the names that appear in her address book, especially when it’s for a good cause.

The next morning, she got her idea and went into action mode. She takes turns to contact the Chaîne du Bonheur to find out if her plan to auction for the benefit of victims of the Covid-19 interests them, then ricardo.ch to find out if they would be willing to put a platform free of charge and finally the RTS as a media relay.

Once these “partners” in her pocket, she virtually turns to her contacts, then calls other personalities she knows less directly to tell them about “So We Give”. The principle is very simple: the personalities offer a unique object – a Zep board, a piece of canvas from the Breitling Orbiter 3 by Bertrand Piccard, the snowboard from Pat Burgener – or an experience – a visit to the RTS with Darius Rochebin, a dish of spaghetti at Henri DAs – for which internet users bid at auction and the money goes directly to the boxes of the Chaîne du Bonheur (read opposite).

“All the personalities were enthusiastic directly, rejoices the instigator of the project, launched on April 22 and which will end on the 30th. Some of them are struggling with the situation and nevertheless wanted to be a link in this chain of solidarity. ”

Created: 04.22.2020, 5:18 p.m.

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