Home » today » World » soldiers of the Volyn brigade spectacularly destroyed a Russian tank (video) – UNIAN

soldiers of the Volyn brigade spectacularly destroyed a Russian tank (video) – UNIAN

Warriors of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have turned another military equipment of the enemy into scrap metal.

Russian technology continues to burn on Ukrainian soil. Soldiers of the 14th separate mechanized brigade named after Prince Roman the Great turned another enemy military equipment into scrap metal.

Video of the elimination of an enemy tank published on the team’s Facebook page.

Accurate work of princely warriors and … the enemy is burning brightly! – the message says.

The military added that it was another day that brings us closer to victory.

About 14 OMBr

The 14th separate mechanized brigade named after Prince Roman the Great is a formation of the Ground Forces. Formed on December 1, 2014 from the 51st mechanized brigade and new mobilized.

On the eve of the soldiers of the Volyn brigade showed the results of the work of the Ukrainian “Stugna”, destroying at least four enemy vehicles. From the word “launch” to the destruction of enemy equipment – just a few seconds, the military notes.

Earlier, UNIAN reported that the Russian army had already lost more than 40% of the total number of combat tanksthat she had before the invasion.

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