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Solar radiation heats all places on Earth to equal degrees

Solar radiation heats all places on Earth to equal degrees. The heat radiation that the Sun emits towards the Earth heats the Earth’s surface, where solar radiation has the greatest spatial and temporal variation in urban areas, shading buildings and other large features where radiation reflects off light or glass facades can create Complex patterns of radiation flows With this, we will answer the question of whether the following statement is true or false. Solar radiation heats all places on Earth to equal degrees.

Solar radiation heats all places on Earth to equal degrees

The sun is the closest star to us and it is a gravitational spherical body made mostly of hydrogen, located in the center of the solar system, at an average distance of about 1011 x 5.1 meters from the earth, the sun’s rays reach the earth in an estimated time of 8 minutes and 20 seconds, and it is the basis Life on the surface of the earth, does the sun’s rays reach the surface of the earth in equal degrees

  • The answer is wrong.

Definition of solar radiation

It is the flow of energy that the sun receives in the form of electromagnetic waves of different frequencies. Among the frequencies that we find in our electromagnetic spectrum are the most common known as visible light, infrared light and ultraviolet light. Almost half of the solar radiation received by our planet ranges between 0.4 µm and 0.7 µm, this type of radiation can be detected by the human eye and it makes up the band that we know as visible light, the other half is mostly in the infrared part of the spectrum and a small part is in the ultraviolet, so we can measure the amount of radiation we’re receiving from The sun, an instrument known as a thermometer is used.

types of solar radiation

Depending on the origin and characteristics of solar radiation, there are different types which are as follows

  • Direct solar radiation This type of radiation has the main property of being able to cast specific shadows from any opaque object it encounters.
  • Diffuse solar radiation is the part of the radiation that reaches us from the sun that is reflected or absorbed by clouds. It is known as diffuse because it extends in all directions. This process results from reflections and absorption, not just clouds.

The main sources of radiation

After we learned that the phrase solar radiation heats all places on Earth equally is a wrong statement, we need to know the sources of radiation, which are divided into two parts, namely

  • Natural resources that we obtain from their primary sources without human intervention
    • The sun The sun emits ultraviolet rays that can cause skin burns
    • Granite is a common rock and is commonly used in kitchens.
  • Industrial sources are man-made sources
    • Doctors use X-rays or MRIs to see broken bones inside the human body and to diagnose other health problems.
    • Microwaves emit a type of radiation to cook food.

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