Home » Business » Solar generation could produce a third of the electricity needed for Latvia this summer, expects ‘Sadales tīkls’

Solar generation could produce a third of the electricity needed for Latvia this summer, expects ‘Sadales tīkls’

In the summer of this year in Latvia, solar generation in the distribution system in suitable weather conditions could produce one third of the electricity needed for the whole of Latvia, the distribution system operator AS predicts.Distribution network” in the published Electrical supplies in the review.

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The operator predicts that during the active production season in Latvia, the amount of solar generation in the distribution system could reach 300 megawatts (MW) this year. A third of them will be solar panels in households or micro-generators, solar power plants installed for self-consumption, as well as commercial solar parks that produce electricity for sale.

“This means that in the summer months solar generation in the distribution system could produce one third of the electricity needed for the whole of Latvia in suitable weather conditions,” expects “Sadales tīkls”.

The company also mentions that the total amount of generation in the distribution system is currently 370 MW, including biomass, water, wind and other resources. “Sadales tīkls” predicts that, as the generation volume continues to increase, moments may come in the relatively near future when the distribution system will be so self-sufficient as to temporarily provide the necessary generating capacities in the country.

“Sadales tīkls” has also concluded that last year the dynamics of changing electricity traders slightly increased. The dynamics within the year are basically related to the traders’ activities and the cyclicality of contract terms. The decrease can be observed at the end of the year, it can be explained by the state support mechanisms – residents and entrepreneurs are less sensitive to fluctuations in electricity prices, so they do not actively look for more favorable offers.

In total, the merchant was changed almost 90,000 times last year. Compared to the year before, this is an increase of 11%, but compared to 2020. year, – by 27% or almost 20,000 times more often.

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