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Sojourn Overwatch 2: history, skills, strengths, weaknesses, how to play it well?

Sojourn is a hero of harm available October 4, 2022 on Overwatch. His role gives him completely different goals from the others, because his strength will be in his ability to inflict damage, but above all to eliminate opponents. The DPS will have to provide support to the tank, but above all to the healers to prevent opponents from causing problems in your ranks.

To help newbies, discover the whole story of Sojourn, the abilities of this hero, the targets to kill, but also his synergy with the other players on his team and his weaknesses.

Who is Soggiorno? And what is its story?

First a soldier, then an Overwatch captain and finally a veteran, Sojourn has dedicated his life to helping the victims of the evils of this world. His innate sense of strategy, enhanced by his many cyber upgrades and battlefield prowess, have made her the greatest strategist in Overwatch. Now left to fend for herself, she faces new challenges … as well as new dangers.

→ To learn more about Sojourn’s story, please see his WikiFandom page

How do i get Sojourn?

All players can get this character, without any distinction.

The challenges of the living room

There are challenges for some of the heroes, however they are not yet available. The guide will be updated once the required information is available!

Living room skills

Electric cannon

Fires a barrage of bullets that generate energy on impact.

Electric cannon

A powerful blow that consumes stored energy.

Face up to

Performs a slide on the ground that can be interrupted to follow a high jump.

Disruptive blow

You unleash a blast of energy that immobilizes opponents within its range and deals damage.


The railgun energy charges automatically for a short time, and charged rounds pierce opponents.

Game tips for the living room

Sojourn is a heroine who requires a lot of precision to be interpreted well. Her main fire isn’t very difficult to place on opponents, but her secondary fire meanwhile requires you to be very accurate to kill with just one bullet. The living room has two faces: a soldier, but also a sniper. So, if you are not very comfortable with this feature, we recommend that you train for aiming.

Sojourn will know how to charge his cannon even with enemy shields, which will give him plenty of chances to deliver charged hits to opponents. He can be in the front line, to bend opponents, as well as in the enemy rear to try to kill the healers. Her tackle will be perfect for her to escape or to quickly interfere with the opposing team.

Its shattering shot is devastating and will eat away your opponents’ life total. It will therefore be smart to place it directly in the center of the opposing group. However, it will also be interesting to place it in a passage area to encourage your opponents to bypass the passage you just “blocked”. Both defensive and offensive, this sphere will be very useful, especially for finishing off opponents with low health points.

If synergies

In this part, we offer you a selection of heroes that Sojourn will be able to kill easily.

tank hero

Sojourn players will happily bomb opponents captured by the graviton of Zaria, but also those grounded Reinhardt or the heroes taken from the Wave Land ofIdol. The Queen of the Junkers will also be an excellent ally, because accompanied by Sojourn, the two of them will be able to create a turning point in the opposing team.



Reine des Junkers


strong against

So, finally, you can get a little idea of ​​the heroes who fear Sojourn.

support of the hero

There are some support heroes who may fear Sojourn, particularly due to their lack of mobility; we think in particular of Angé, Zenyatta, Brigitte or Baptist.





tank hero

Sojourn will be happy to shoot tanks with a big hitbox. Those with shields will also see their protections melt over the course of seconds.






Keep in mind that these lists are not immutable over time. During some nerfs and other increases, the sheet will be updated. Also note that these lists depend mainly on your gameplay, your vision of the game, your rankings, but also on the opposing players you may encounter. These lists are little tricks not to be confused with evangelical letters.

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