Home » today » Health » Soil decontamination by excavation and off-site treatment of the former eco-points of St-Léger-sous-Cholet and Toutlemonde (49), AGGLOMERATION DU CHOLETAIS

Soil decontamination by excavation and off-site treatment of the former eco-points of St-Léger-sous-Cholet and Toutlemonde (49), AGGLOMERATION DU CHOLETAIS

Name and address of the authority carrying out the contract: Agglomeration of Choletais, Hôtel d’Agglomeration – Rue Saint-Bonaventure – BP 62111, Contact: Service Markets-Contracts, for the attention of the President, F-49321 Cholet Cedex, Tel. : 02 44 09 26 90

Monetary union : Euro
Language : French
Award method: Adapted procedure

Object of the contract: Eco-points of Saint-Léger-sous-Cholet and Toutlemonde (49)
Soil remediation work by excavation and off-site treatment
Description :

This consultation concerns soil decontamination work by excavation and off-site treatment of the former eco-points of Saint-Léger-sous-Cholet and Toutlemonde (49).
The details of the work are indicated in the Special Technical Clauses Book.
As an indication, the works should start in June 2021.
As part of the preparation of their response, candidates can visit, on request, the places of performance of the contract on the following dates:

– Friday April 2, 2021 at 10:30 a.m.
– Wednesday April 7, 2021 at 10:30 a.m.
The meeting point is first set in front of the entrance to the old Toutlemonde eco-point.
Candidates must confirm their presence on one of these dates as soon as possible with the Great Works Environment department by calling 02 44 09 25 50.
This visit is not compulsory or eliminatory, but it is strongly recommended.
References to the European nomenclature (CPV): 90732300-0 – Treatment and rehabilitation of polluted soils
Duration and Deadlines: The contract takes effect upon receipt of the order form and ends on the later of the two dates, corresponding either to the end date of the guarantee year of perfect completion following the date of receipt of the work, or to the date lifting of the last reservation.
The overall execution time of the work includes:

– a preparation period of 45 days, from the service order prescribing its launch,
– a period of execution of the work of 1 month, from the service order prescribing its launch.
Address for collection and deposit of files:

The consultation file must be withdrawn in electronic form on the site www.anjoumarchespublics.fr.
The transmission of applications and offers from companies must be carried out electronically to the following address: www.anjoumarchespublics.fr, so as to arrive at the latest:
April 20, 2021 at 12:15 p.m.

Consequently, transmission by paper or on an electronic physical medium (CD ROM, USB key, etc.) is not authorized.
Supporting documents and documents to be produced: Competitors must include in support of their offer the information and formalities provided for in Articles R. 2143-3 to R. 2143-15 of the Public Order Code and specified in the consultation regulations.
Commitment deadline: 120 days
Criteria used when awarding the contract: The offers will be judged under the conditions defined in the consultation regulations.
Other information :
Variants: Not allowed;
Procedure covered by the agreement on public procurement: Yes ;
Body responsible for appeal procedures and service from which information can be obtained concerning the lodging of appeals: Administrative Tribunal, 6 allée de l’Ile Gloriette, BP 24111-44041 Nantes Cedex 1, Tel. : 02 40 99 46 00 – Fax: 02 40 99 46 58 – www.telerecours.fr.
Date of dispatch of this notice: 22/03/2021.

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