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Søgne – – Completely hair-raising

SØGNE (DAGBLADET): – Now it’s time to look ahead. A work with the dissolution of Kristiansand will require an incredible amount of resources from the municipality’s employees that they could use for other things, says leader of Kristiansand business association, Trond M. Backer.

There has been a storm around a possible dissolution of the new large municipality Kristiansand. The case splits Labor and the local team says outright that they are cursed.

– Thinking about the children’s future

On Monday afternoon, Minister of Local Government and District Sigbjørn Gjelsvik (Sp) was in the core of the dispute. In the square at Tangvall, he met a large group of activists who want to stop the process of a dissolution.

– Stop the process. Listen to us in Søgne. We do not want a new referendum, said leader Asbjørn Sørfonden in the Folkeaksjonen yes to Søgne in Kristiansand in an appeal in the square.

– I am a father of small children who thinks about the future of my children, says Tor Marius Markussen, who is the initiator of the sister action in the former neighboring municipality of Songdalen.

Inside the old town hall, Gjelsvik met representatives of the business community in the municipality, who unanimously told about their concerns about a process of referendum and dissolution.


They are concerned that it creates uncertainty about the future, and believe it is time to look ahead. They say they need predictability.

– We have spent time building a strong municipality, building predictability for the business community, and then you suddenly have to reverse. It does not help to make a new mistake when you have made a mistake once before, says business manager Trond M. Backer and continues:

ACTIONIST: Asbjørn Sørfonden is the leader of the Folkeaksjonen Ja til Søgne in Kristiansand, which is now bigger on Facebook than the separatists.  Photo: Tor Erik Schrøder / NTB

ACTIONIST: Asbjørn Sørfonden is the leader of the Folkeaksjonen Ja til Søgne in Kristiansand, which is now bigger on Facebook than the separatists. Photo: Tor Erik Schrøder / NTB
sea ​​view

– We are in the process of taking some important steps into the future. Then we need a strong regional capital. It is quite critical that we get this resolved very quickly.

The Minister of Local Government and District Affairs says he listens to input from various quarters.

– I have full respect for the fact that here you have different views, and that you want to present the view you have, Gjelsvik says.

– Completely hair-raising

While the population group that has demanded a referendum and division is the ones that have received the most attention so far, it is now their stark opposition that has the wind in its sails. The action group to keep Søgne in Kristiansand now has more members on Facebook than the opponents.

This week, a similar organization will also be founded in the former Songdalen municipality. The initiator is former Conservative politician Tor Marius Markussen.

– It is absolutely hair-raising how a minister and government has done this. They call it local democracy, but they do not listen to the local democracy we choose every four years, says Markussen.

Minister of Local Government Sigbjørn Gjelsvik started the day in Kristiansand with a meeting with the mayor and the employees at the town hall. Municipal director Camilla Dunsæd talks about great concern among the employees.

– There have been a number of employees who are despairing and a number who are questioning the future. I have received a number of emails from employees who are desperate. Most of all, it is uncertainty. I have conveyed that concern to the Minister today, says Dunsæd to Dagbladet.

Will set the pace

She has previously explained how she sleeps poorly at night because of the case.

– I use a lot of energy and worry a little about the future, says the municipal director.

The Minister of Local Government says he is now open to accelerating the process, which as of today is likely to last until 2028. He believes it can now be completed in two to three years.

– The government has not said that it is necessary that we do it that way. It can be done faster. We will facilitate if there is a local desire to carry out a process faster than that, says Gjelsvik.

The Minister of Local Government says he will respect a no in a referendum on the dissolution of Greater Kristiansand.

– If it involves a majority not to divide, then the process is over, Gjelsvik says.

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