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Software-update: Everything – Computer – Downloads

Searching for files…that’s where it starts…

This really is one of those programs that the more you use it, the more possibilities it turns out to have and the more you use it

Some things I use it for (the list is much longer; this is what comes to mind right away)

  • renaming multiple files at once
  • Search for duplicate files
  • For data migrations: check for long paths (>259)
  • For scripts: check for “problem characters” (unicode, special characters,..)
  • Search for empty folders
  • Search for “dead” shortcuts (pointing to non-existent files)
  • (Mostly) to replace the start menu
  • Partly replacing the file manager (File Explorer, etc)
  • Overview of recent changes (program installations for example)
  • Undo copy/move/.. actions
  • Instead of browsing the folder structure in Explorer or Open/Save dialogs: jump directly to the desired file/folder
  • Scripting mbv de command-line add-on
  • Overview which program has opened which files
  • Search for ransomware

Some of these things are only possible with Everything 1.5.
This version is still under development, but is already very stable and mature.
Version 1.5 can also index the contents of files, so those results *instant* also come back when the content: function is used.

(I don’t know the program)

I actually envy you a bit. Make an idea in advance of the speed at which the hard disk(s) can be indexed. And how quickly you can get results back from your searches.
And then install Everything ….

[Reactie gewijzigd door GNID op 26 mei 2022 15:10]

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