Home » today » News » Sofie Karlstad, HIV | The influencer allowed himself to be intimidated by HIV rumours: – Reprehensible

Sofie Karlstad, HIV | The influencer allowed himself to be intimidated by HIV rumours: – Reprehensible

The last few days have rumors that several girls have contracted HIV after being injected with virus-infected syringes in the cityspread like wildfire in the Oslo area.

Stories about the injections spread quickly on social media, where several people shared screenshots with warnings about this very thing. Several have subsequently stated that it is probably just rumours, among others secretary general of HivNorgeAnn-Karin Kolstad.

– If three women had been infected by HIV in this way, the alarms would have gone off both in Norway and abroad, says Kolstad to Nettavisen.

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Influencers and reality contestant Sofie Karlstad (25) is among those who were themselves warned. Karlstad is known for, among other things, “Paradise Hotel”, and is currently featured in “Farm Celebrity” and “The Bloggers” on TV 2.

On Wednesday, she published a post on Instagram’s story function in which she relays the information she received from HivNorge when she contacted them about the alleged attacks with syringes at nightclubs in Oslo.

Took matters into my own hands

With her followers, she also shares a screenshot from Snapchat that reads:

«NBNB!!! There have been many cases of stabbings with rape drugs at IVY (solli) this autumn and a few days before Christmas there were 3 young girls who got HIV through a syringe with HIV-infected blood (…) this is from reliable sources”.

In the video Karlstad shared, she says the following to her 254,000 followers:

– Okay, since yesterday there have been a lot of messages like this. I’ll be shocked if you haven’t got it and live in the Oslo area, because it’s seriously shipped all over the place. I think I have received it three or four times from different girlfriends. And it only comes more and more as the day goes on.

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For the influencer, it was important to get to the bottom of whether these rumors were true or not, so she decided to take matters into her own hands. In the video, she continues:

– So I “took the matter into my own hands”, and contacted HivNorge and the owner of Ivy. Both deny that this is the case, so you don’t need to be afraid for either you or your girlfriends if you had planned to go out at the weekend. It’s not like you go and infect people with HIV via syringes in the city. It is simply someone who has put out this rumor which is malicious.

Was even frightened by the rumours

To Nettavisen, Karlstad says that she chooses to post the video and share the information, because she herself was frightened by the rumours.

– I also have friends who were frightened, and I have followers who hang out at the nightclubs in question. I think it is a chain message that has reached an extremely large number of people, says the influencer.

Karlstad and her friends had agreed that they should not go to nightclubs where girls are said to have been infected with HIV, and that it was perhaps best to stay away from the city at the weekend.

– We thought it was much better to take a sober weekend than end up with HIV in the city, she says.

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Karlstad does not hide that she thinks it is completely reprehensible that such rumors are spread. She is almost convinced that there is an agenda behind the spreading of rumours.

– There is probably someone sitting behind the keyboard who wants attention. Otherwise, it may be that the rumor mongers are competitors of the clubs in question, or someone who has not joined the clubs.

It is important to be critical of sources

For the influencer, it is important to deal with rumors like this, because she believes it is important to be critical of the source of what is posted online.

– I am genuinely annoyed by people who believe everything they see and read online. For me it was therefore important to disprove and show that you can’t trust everything you see, she says to Nettavisen.

The response Karlstad has received after she published the post has been positive. She says she has received many messages from people who think it is good that she is sharing. Many are relieved and less afraid, she continues.

– It is good that the media also throws themselves into action and debunks these rumors so that it does not spread to more people, she concludes.

– Unthinkable

Ann-Karin Kolstad in HivNorge says that whether or not there are cases of people being stabbed with syringes containing rape drugs in nightclubs is difficult to know for sure. But HIV infection, she believes, is completely unthinkable.

– Those who have HIV in Norway today take medication that prevents them from infecting others. Furthermore, it is a sexually transmitted disease that mostly infects men, and therefore young women are probably not the target group here.

She points out that there have been cases of healthcare personnel who have stuck themselves on needles used on HIV patients in the past, without being infected by the disease.

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