Home » World » Sofia Robolis: “If Kyriaki faced a communication problem at AT, how would a deaf woman feel?” (Video) – 2024-04-08 05:18:06

Sofia Robolis: “If Kyriaki faced a communication problem at AT, how would a deaf woman feel?” (Video) – 2024-04-08 05:18:06

Somber and thoughtful, the sign language interpreter Sofia Robolis, on the occasion of all these interpretations she has done for Sunday in the last few days and also for all the women who were abused and murdered, wonders, troubling those who listen to her: “the women who do not they have hearing and accept violence how will they be heard??

“If Sunday herself faced such a big communication problem at the police station, how will a deaf woman feel? Without an interpreter, without the policeman himself knowing how to contact her. How safe can she feel?”, she says in a post on twitter.

“Do you know how many times in my career, I’ve had problems at work and a malfunction in the police? To be able to convince them that yes, I am speaking for a woman who has no voice? Because this girl’s voice should also be heard,” he concludes.

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