CNN Indonesia
Monday, 13 Feb 2023 18:40 WIB
SOE Minister Erick Thohir is worried about the time bomb from the management of state-owned company pension funds which recorded minus IDR 9.8 trillion as of 2021. (BETWEEN PHOTOS/Dhemas Reviyanto).
Jakarta, CNNIndonesia —
Minister of BUMN Erick Thohir worrying about the time bomb of management pension fund a state-owned company recorded minus IDR 9.8 trillion as of 2021.
“There is already a very large deficit of Rp. 9.8 trillion in 2021, this is very large, consisting of the majority of existing SOEs. At least, only 35 percent are healthy, the rest are not healthy,” said Erick in a working meeting with Commission VI of the DPR as quoted SecondMonday (13/2).
He considered that if the BUMN pension funds were not intervened then an explosion of big problems could occur.
“This will explode one or two years from now if there is no intervention today,” he said.
So far, he continued, BUMN pension funds are managed solely by the management of related state-owned companies. Impact, if there is a problem, not detected.
He also pays attention to investment management using pension funds. He does not want cases of fraudulent investment placements to happen again, like those with PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) and PT Asabri (Persero).
“We don’t want the Penitentiary Investment to be made into another fraudulent investment,” he said.
Erick has also ordered all SOEs to conduct a due diligence on the management of each company’s pension funds starting September 2022.
Furthermore, Erick requested that the pension fund restructuring agenda be included in the management contract. In addition, companies must also make the transformation of troubled pension funds a priority.
“We can see that the lights have started to turn yellow, don’t let there be 6-7 months of issues, even though this is an old case, not a new one,” he explained.