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Söder starts new space “series” on Instagram

CSU boss Söder repeatedly uses his social media accounts for excursions outside of politics. Now he is taking off together with his followers.

Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder has started a new series on Instagram and X under the hashtag #söderspace. The CSU boss published a three-minute video in which the self-proclaimed “space fan” – dressed in an astronaut jacket – wants to take his viewers on a journey into the solar system. “We’re taking off with the rocket and leaving our planet,” says Söder in the video, while his head floats above the earth in an astronaut suit in a photo montage. “We’re taking off, so to speak, floating into space.”

The scientific findings – such as the existence of an atmosphere on the planets Mars and Venus – allow Söder to philosophize in the video about possible discoveries in the future. “This is a chance that we might discover something in the ice that is there, or beneath the surface,” said Söder. “I find that totally fascinating.”

Söder starts the Space series on social networks – these are the reactions

In the series he wanted to take a trip to various stations in the solar system, said the 57-year-old. He wanted to show “what might be possible” and what the future could bring.

To the video “Söder receives criticism on Instagram – “perfect Bavaria-Francony combination””

In the comments of the video, users are mostly amused by the CSU politician’s latest social media project. “Maggus’s lightsaber would be blue and white,” says the top comment under the video, “Space Maggus before GTA VI,” writes another user with a rocket emoji. “Strong…! I’m really excited! Great idea!” writes a woman under the video.

Other users are less enthusiastic about the post: “WHAT do you actually do for a living? And why do we have to pay for it with our tax money?!”, says one comment under the video, for example. Some viewers doubted the authenticity of the video, but a CSU spokesman confirmed that the party leader was the author.

Enthusiasm for space as a child

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