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SOCIETY: Not a message for the lower millions

The president called for a shackle, but did not talk about hope

Leton Vnoce was perceived by the regime of quarantine, but also by the way it resembled the messages of the heads of stt. When was the last time one darkness took over? We would have to go back to 1989 and 1945. Le united darkness does not mean a unified approach, e. Let us say straight away that President Milo Zeman emphasized this in the world. If we have to point out one clause in front of the clamp, it is an appeal to the shackle.

In other words, what so much people are angry about, he goes to the account of Zeman’s nature (we have a hangman that he really divides society, but the old dog is not new to new pieces) and the local specifics. The appeal to the shackle could have acted on someone lordly. Add that he did not hear so much from the heads of Britain and Germany. But to this, let’s add B as well. The change country will not face the situation that not even half of the survey citizens ask to be shocked. Yes, on the collections from the demonstrations in Germany, you can see crowds of nerds with aluminum epics on their heads, who are also protesting against the shackles. But when it comes to lmn bread, 60 percent of Nmc make it clear that they should be shackled (Brit go vc).

President Zeman is not to blame for this, many would think so. In his message, he even used two unheard of inclusives: let’s be shackled, let’s help it like the rest of us.

If you look where his diction deviated from what the British Queen told you, you will find it easily. Miloe Zeman’s message does not contain words such as hope, faith, or warning, but warnings against the rapid release of quarantine and increased contact. It is possible to hear in this industry where there is no contact, no transmission. In contrast, the message of Albty II. does not promote the proverbial contactlessness, I understand even for those who wish to celebrate Christmas by a hug or a handshake. First this esk president pomj. Work on rational (scientific, hygienic) reasons.

These reasons shape its optics. Many people think that it is dark that Milo Zeman grew up in a scientifically female society, or others, but it is simply a fact. The fact is that the shackle is really the longest darkness. The rest combines different current currents closing and opening. The first is that if the groups are threatened by groups (pensioners, paramedics), society as a whole can open up quickly. Mon Milo Zeman sees these millions of pensioners as the main target group with these glasses, and he has the motto that he will be the president of the lower ten million.

It can doloit put a passport from his ei. The President praised the fact that the core of the Czech economy, industry, construction and agriculture remained untouched by the epidemic, and attributed most of the problem only to the service sector. Do not look at services like this anywhere in the affected countries. Israel, with its problems, is proud that for the first time in the year the crown of its digital companies surpassed the thorn of two billion dollars. This is how people who look ahead see the services. Isn’t 2.1 million self-employed people at risk similar to 2.9 million pensioners?

Don’t they fall into the bottom ten million? Don’t they get the word understood and hopeful?

LN, 28.12.2020

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