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Society. Ehpad Saint-Pierre: a footbridge will link the two buildings

In Thionville, the construction of a footbridge can hide another. And end with, this time, full satisfaction. This is the case of the one that has just been installed this Friday, the Prés-Saint-Pierre loop, at the residence for dependent elderly people of Saint-Pierre, which is operated by Theras Santé. The operation of lifting the superstructures went well. In one hour, the thirty or so meters that connect the Etangs building and the Epis d’Or building were connected without a hitch by a metal bridge weighing 15 tonnes, and whose purpose is to connect the two entities. Both to ensure catering – until then, a van provided the very small round trip -, and flows between the 137 residents of the two buildings, so that some of them can follow the activities offered by the PASA pole (sports activities, singing, board games…).

Cost of the operation borne by Theras Santé: € 500,000. Funding from the departmental council is expected up to 100,000 €.

Exit the underground passage

Property of the OPH, the site will be connected by this bridge next February, at level 2e floor of the two buildings. For a while, there was talk of an underground passage. But structural realities showing too much water in the soil quickly ruled out this option.

President of Theras Santé, Robert Malgras directly congratulated himself on the good performance of the site, admittedly postponed for six months because of the pandemic. The project went back a few years.

To carry out this idea, “a political decision was needed”, which fell, says Robert Malgras.

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