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Society at Large : Society : News : The Hankyoreh

On November 13, the first weekend after the police removed the police line in an alley in Itaewon, citizens walk through an alley next to the Hamilton Hotel in Itaewon, Yongsan-gu, Seoul. Senior reporter Kang Chang-gwang [email protected]


*Editor: Heard about the situation Kim Cho-rong (32), a survivor of the Itaewon disaster on the 6th, experienced at that time and the subsequent psychological counseling process. The logs and advisory journals posted by Mr. Kim on the Internet community are transferred in order with the consent of the parties involved. On the night of the 29th, the day of the incident, Kim visited Itaewon with a friend and was overwhelmed by the crowd, but a passerby dragged her to the railing and she was saved.

1. Master, I’ve been having a hard time lately because I couldn’t understand.
You said it’s difficult because you can’t understand
It was difficult because I didn’t understand the world. There are still too many people who mock the victims and the dead,
Without hesitation, he uttered the words: “It’s your fault that you go out to play.”
Government agencies don’t seem to know how to grieve. Why the hell is this, I can’t understand, it’s hard
If you can understand, if you can know what the heart is
I don’t think it will be difficult. Counselor: Let’s talk about defense mechanisms today.
Remember when I said I don’t want recognition, just understanding is enough to make my life worth living? me: yes I remember Counselor: I was impressed by what I heard, no need for acknowledgment, but
I think you hate being hurt and hated because you don’t understand. Me: It’s hard for me not to be understood, and it’s hard for me not to understand others.
I think hating someone is the hardest thing in the world because if you don’t understand other people, you will end up hating them.
So I’m trying to understand as much as possible. Counselor: The defense mechanism seems to be activated with the mind to understand,
Are you trying to protect yourself like this?
This is how I live, so I’m trying to figure out with all my dying power to save myself. Me: So this time, why aren’t the defense mechanisms working? We’re bombed indiscriminately before it even works, so we resist and curse together
I think the defense mechanism that wants to criticize and think badly has been activated.
Even if it’s like me You look at me for no reason, it’s all your fault
For now I think we will fight together, that’s the concept. Lord, as I walk home from this conversation,
It made me think calmly, calmly and rationally.
I think I have seen the process of attacking with hatred and responding with hatred.
So I tried to understand them. 2. I was asked to appear on CBS Radio, and there I was asked this question.
Various circumstances were revealed after the disaster, but which part was the most shocking to Mr. Cho-rong? I answered like this. “The system collapsed, the control tower was absent, etc. The signaling system was a mess. There are many stories like this, but I want to ask the question again.
Is Korea really a country with such a broken system? Is it such a backward country?
I do not believe. I am a person who lives with a free thought system, so living in a foreign country is
I thought it might fit better, but the reason I live in Korea is because I thought it was safe. Even now, if you call 112, you get an answer within seconds and the police are dispatched within 2-3 minutes.
There are so many CCTV cameras. The system has no problems. It was good to see
But the problem is what kind of thoughts and values ​​really matter to the people who make important decisions about it.” The airtime was short so I couldn’t say more,
Sir, I think the essence of this case is
I see it as a “Korean company that doesn’t respect diversity”. You have to get up in the morning, eat, study, go to work and quit work is the correct answer,
A society dominated by a uniform mentality that all entertainment is bad.
People who have experienced such moments are in the ruling class, so there are so many people in Itaewon.
You must have thought it trivially, and evenly thinking people hate Itaewon, parties, nightlife, and Halloween as weird and weird, and ridicule you for coming out to play. A social atmosphere that does not recognize differences creates hatred
I think he gave birth to a government that doesn’t know how to mourn. If you are different from others, point the finger at them and if they display exceptional behavior, bully them
In a society where people look behind the scenes, why did young people love Itaewon?
Because just going there was liberating.
A neighborhood with Vietnamese restaurants run by Vietnamese and Chinese restaurants run by Chinese.
A place where you can talk freely with strangers and have relationship oriented thinking.
A place to enjoy music and where world famous DJs are invited to DJ. For some people, 7pm can be the start of the day,
For some people, Itaewon is the place of life,
A place to breathe deeply and relax, the only place where the two words of youth can be used freely.
Many young people love Itaewon.
In Itaewon, where diversity is respected, the older generation, who don’t know how to respect diversity, could not avoid the disaster. Then the answer is simple. We just have to understand each other.
The older generation may not know, so it’s okay to let them know.
The younger generation thinks so, what else are we missing if we want to govern a better country? You can’t split sides and fight this side, and not shout that we are different with a picket saying, “Find out the truth.” It’s an issue where there’s no need to fight whether the investigation comes first or the government’s investigation comes first. You are wrong, go down, don’t use it for this.
Now, all the older generations at the top are gathering and talking to each other, and what did we miss? It’s time to discuss what the real problem is. Please love people. Because there is no love,
People don’t care where and how they get hurt.
Unpredictable slips and excuses aren’t important, but the investigation process is more important and will hurt more. I hope no one quits, I hope you show me how to change and trust me. So let’s applaud how wonderful adults are. Parents raising young children cannot take their eyes off their children, worrying about getting hurt.
They are afraid of being in a dangerous situation and the children feel a sense of security under these parents.
For a child, parents are the universe.
For the people, the nation is both the universe and the parent.
Please love people more. 3. Being a writer, I really wanted to have my own studio someday, sir.
Not knowing when I will have it, I have already come up with a name for the studio just imagining it. The name of the studio is ‘Safe Zone’. A bit childish, right? Anyway I like this name. He was a guy who always needed a bomb shelter. For his strong personality,
I used to be criticized somewhere, hated for no reason or misunderstood. I hoped my studio would become an air defense shelter for myself and others. whether you are male, female or gay. If you are an alien, where are you from, what nationality are you,
Whether they are young, old, handicapped, geek or not. You are safe here, I can understand and hug you. I will furnish my studio with a space that contains the message. A space where no one will hurt you for being different from you. this is security
that’s what love is. This way everyone can live together. There is a sentence like this in Kim Min-cheol’s book. We are with you
You are safe here. As I write, I am organized.
The safe zone in my studio is where I need Mincheol Kim’s stationery,
Shouldn’t it be the whole of Korean society?
Now isn’t the time to fight, but isn’t it time everyone got together to give this kind of message to the people?

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