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Society. A new family mediation service launched at the socio-cultural center

Since 1is September, a family mediation service, the first in the sector, opened at the socio-cultural center of Sarrebourg. A State graduate, Hélène Deck-Moretti is at its head after a professional retraining. “In recent years, I have studied in parallel with my work. It was necessary to be hyper organized during this period, ”explains the one who until now has worked for twenty years as a nursing assistant at the Sarrebourg hospital. “I had already had this project in mind for a few years. It matured over time. At the start, I was completely ignorant of the profession of family mediator. I didn’t know what the stakes were, the benefits, but upon discovery, it was a real crush. This is another way for me to help people. “

“Show adaptability”

On a daily basis, the cases to be dealt with are diverse: separations and divorces, relationship difficulties between parents and adolescents, inheritance rights or neighborhood problems. “You have to be adaptable and neutral, adapt your way of communicating to the people in front of me,” says Hélène Deck-Moretti. I am the transmitter. My mission is successful when the dialogue is renewed between the people concerned. »To arrange an appointment with family mediation, the will must be common between each of the parties. ” This is the basis. After, I agree according to the availability of each. ”

A service open to all and adapted to each stock market

On the reasons that led her to settle in Sarrebourg, the professional explains that it was while looking for her internship that she noticed “that there were no existing services in the sector, the only ones being located in Metz, Thionville and Sarreguemines ”. What to offer its skills to part of the population, for lack of local service.

On the price side, the grid is scalable according to income, knowing that the first information session is free for everyone. This ranges from 30 euros for income below 1,500 euros per month, up to 105 euros for those exceeding 5,000 euros per month. “Working as a liberal, I set my prices. But everyone will be able to access mediation, which is important. Anyone affected by a conflict can find their way around. It’s a win-win situation. “

Information and appointment on 07 80 47 39 55 or by e-mail at [email protected].

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