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Socialization about Tuberculosis Must be Improved

Tuberculosis is a disease that is transmitted by germs and can be transmitted through the air

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PURWOKERTO — A pulmonary specialist from the Central Java Branch of the Indonesian Lung Doctors Association (PDPI), Dr. Indah Rahmawati, reminded that socialization about tuberculosis (TB) must continue to be improved in order to increase public understanding and awareness. “The momentum for World Tuberculosis Day, which is commemorated every March 24, is the right momentum to intensify socialization about tuberculosis,” he said through a virtual interview in Purwokerto, Thursday (24/3/2022).

The lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine at Jenderal Soedirman University (Unsoed) Purwokerto explained that tuberculosis is a disease that is transmitted by bacteria or Mycobacterium Tuberculosis bacteria that can be transmitted through the air. “This disease can attack the lungs or outside the lungs, such as the brain, bones, eyes, stomach, kidneys and intestines,” he said.

A person with tuberculosis, he said, could become a source of infection when he spoke, coughed or sneezed. Because it can remove germs and spread into the air. “Someone around him can be easily infected if his immune system is down,” he said.

Even though it is very contagious, he said, tuberculosis is very easy to cure as long as you take medication regularly according to the program. “The duration of drug therapy is around six to nine months depending on the type of tuberculosis case. During drug therapy the patient must be committed and have high adherence to taking medication. For the safety of treatment, it is usually previously examined in a laboratory to check liver function,” he said.

According to the doctor who practices in a number of hospitals in Purwokerto, the public must understand that although TB ​​is contagious, it can be cured with a strong commitment. “Drug side effects that can occur and must be watched out for while patients are undergoing treatment include nausea, vomiting, itching, tingling and joint pain due to increased uric acid,” he said.

These side effects, he said, can occur from mild to severe. If there are severe side effects then there are several kinds of drugs that must be stopped and replaced with other drugs. “TB is not a cursed disease, although TB ​​is a infectious diseases but easy to prevent as well as cure. Preventing transmission is the same as preventing Covid-19, namely correct cough etiquette, wearing masks and washing hands,” he said.

In addition to wearing masks, he said, TB sufferers also need to eat nutritious food and get enough rest. “In addition, obey the rules of taking medication, if there are complaints during treatment, they must be submitted so that it runs comfortably and safely,” he said.

Indah also reminded the need for adequate ventilation so that sunlight can enter the house. “If a family member suffers from TB disease, immediately check with family members who are at home and who are in close contact to cut the chain of TB transmission,” he said.

Meanwhile, he also said that the theme for World Tuberculosis Day 2022 is “Invest to End TB, Save Lives”. It aims to raise public awareness about the health, social, economic impact of tuberculosis and increase efforts to end it globally.

source: Between

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