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Socialist with a gift for Ninova. The reaction

Socialist Nazmi Myumyun presented a lottery ticket to BSP leader Cornelia Ninova during her visit to Kardzhali. Namzi wished the winnings would be for the party, but Ninova said that if she won the jackpot, she would donate the money to the children.

The BSP leader attended the tenth edition of the “Dance with Us” initiative, with which the Socialists in Kardzhali celebrate Labor Day and International Workers’ Solidarity – May 1.

In her speech, Ninova stressed that the BSP’s participation in the government is a guarantor of the welfare state and the protection of the rights of working people.

Bulgaria does not export weapons to Ukraine, but to 60 other countries. Cornelia Ninova repeated this once again and was categorical – her position will remain unchanged and if a decision is made by the parliament to officially supply our country with military equipment, the BSP will leave the coalition.

“No one here on the square in Kardzhali is” for “sending weapons there. Leadership is not going against your people. It is to lead him in the direction he wants. And the will of the majority of the Bulgarian people is clear and we express exactly this intention and desire, “said Cornelia Ninova.

Regarding the gas crisis, the Deputy Prime Minister said that the business is categorical – the current price of natural gas must be maintained, because otherwise it will go bankrupt. And so many people will lose their jobs. “This means putting a ceiling on the price of gas – as it is now. And the difference should be borne by the state “, Ninova commented.

She pointed out that one of the topics of discussion at the upcoming Coalition Council will be whether such an option is possible. According to her, the funds can be covered by the excess profits of energy companies.


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