Home » today » News » Socialism with Russian specifics – the alternative for Russia – 2024-03-17 07:34:44

Socialism with Russian specifics – the alternative for Russia – 2024-03-17 07:34:44

/ world today news/ With its successes, the PRC demonstrates the advantages of an alternative socio-economic structure to liberal capitalism.

By creating a highly effective model of economic and social development called “socialism with Chinese characteristics”, the PRC has, willy-nilly, posed an existential challenge to the liberal-democratic model of which the US is the guardian.

With its successes, the PRC demonstrated the possibility of the existence of a radically different socio-economic structure. The Americans themselves admit that the whole world will have to “make a fundamental choice between democracy and autocracy.”

On March 31, 2021, speaking in Pittsburgh, Joseph Biden admitted for the first time that “this is the competition between America and China in the rest of the world.” In an effort to prevent the further advance of Chinese socialism, Biden and his team have mobilized their global allies. This was the theme of the Democracy Summit organized at the end of 2021.

America directed its ideological and propaganda resources precisely to the basis of the “socialism with Chinese characteristics” system – to the Communist Party. The time that has passed since then has shown the failure of attempts to overturn Chinese socialism and contain China.

On the contrary, the appeal of the Chinese way, whose ideological basis is the theory of “socialism with Chinese characteristics”, continues to grow. Before our eyes, this theory and practice acquires a global and historical scale.

President Xi Jinping said in July 2021: “Based on the continuation and development of socialism with Chinese characteristics… we have formed a new Chinese model of modernization and created a new form of human civilization.”

A few days later, the main communist of the planet made a very important clarification: “There is no generally applicable formula for modernization, and countries must look for optimal solutions. For its part, the Communist Party of China is ready to exchange and share experiences with political parties from all countries…”

During the summit and other celebrations, there was not even a hint of a desire to repeat the experience of the Comintern and create something like a “Socialist International with Chinese characteristics.” This is the main difference from the Americans with their “Democracy Summit”.

In the formula “socialism with Chinese characteristics” there is too much unique beyond the boundaries of Chinese civilization, also called hieroglyphic and Confucian. This civilization includes not only the Celestial Empire itself, but also Japan, Vietnam, Singapore, Korea, and Taiwan. The hieroglyphic-Confucian matrix existing for two and a half millennia determined the development of these countries and regions.

They either became part of the Celestial Empire, or fell under the influence of other civilizations, or gained the ability to go their own way. Some of them were the first to take the path of modernization and overtake China, as Japan did. Others have also found success by using Western technology and management methods, such as South Korea, Singapore and Vietnam.

However, all these countries are still characterized by a socio-political model that can be called not only Confucian, but also authoritarian-socialist.

It is the Confucian-hieroglyphic specificity that will prevent the Chinese model from acquiring a global dimension. It is this, as well as the Judeo-Christian foundations of Western civilization, that will become a barrier that will take time and effort to overcome.

But a new interpretation of socialist theory will have global significance and application, allowing China, in the words of Xi Jinping, to “make a historic transition from a highly centralized system of planned economy to a viable system of socialist market economy, from partial or complete closure to complete openness.

Having drawn China into the anti-Soviet camp since the early 1980s, providing financial, economic and military support to the new ally, the West counted on breaking China’s connection with socialism and “changing the color” of the Chinese flag. The concept of “constructive engagement” has not served its purpose. Beijing took everything it needed from the West and threw away everything unnecessary.

The fire of socialism was preserved and guarded in the hearths of the party research centers, schools and universities, closed from prying eyes. When the time came, the Communist Party released the flames.

At the 19th Congress in 2017, it loudly declared its determination to “firmly and consciously remember the original purpose and mission entrusted to us.”

Rumors of the demise of world socialism “turned out to be greatly exaggerated.” Neosocialism as a state-building Big Idea triumphed in China, Vietnam, North Korea and Laos. Our planet is no longer roamed by the “ghost of communism” that Marx and Engels wrote about, but a new socio-political model, tested in practice – socialism with Chinese specifics.

This model of economic and social organization can also be applied in other countries as “neo-socialism with national specificity”. In our case, Russian neo-socialism.

Now Russia is facing urgent and serious reforms in social and economic life. The liberal capitalist model imposed on us after the collapse of the Soviet Union has proven to be a loser. And not only in the colonial version propagated by the Western advisers of Yeltsin and Gaidar.

The model itself has exhausted its resource and condemns the Western countries to economic stagnation and decline, to perversions in political and spiritual life. It is clear that we cannot continue to live by these rules. But there is still no consensus on a new model of development in Russian society.

Against the background of the continuing “American-centricity” of part of the media and the political elite, Chinese experts are trying to offer the Chinese model for discussion as one of their options.

At the same time, they note that socialism with Chinese characteristics has its own peculiarity, dictated by the uniqueness of the civilization, history, language and even geography of the Celestial Empire. But there is simply no other working and successful model of development in the modern world.

Political realities contribute to the popularization of the ideas of Russian neo-socialism. Russia and China have entered a new stage of strategic partnership, which can be called “combat coordination”. After the meeting between President Putin and President Xi Jinping in March this year, this stage is rapidly filling with new content.

The agreements of the two presidents, the two commanders in chief, are being refined during their new meetings, during negotiations between the defense and interior ministers, the heads of the security councils and other security officials.

The economic interaction plan is concretized during talks between heads of government and their deputies, ministers, heads of state concerns and leading entrepreneurs. Leaders of parliaments, parties and public organizations meet.

But despite this, both Russia and China do not have another form of “combat coordination” – the ideological one. We need to better understand the theoretical sources of others’ practical actions. Knowing the main views of the leader of a country that actually became our ally, we will be able to more accurately predict his reaction to international events, to the development of bilateral interaction and to our domestic events.

Such mutual understanding is equally necessary for Moscow and Beijing in the context of the Cold War unleashed against our recalcitrant powers by a united West led by the United States. The western front of this world war already stretches from Finland to Turkey, and hostilities are taking place in the Ukrainian sector.

The Eastern Front is supported by Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines and Australia. New military-political associations AUKUS and KVAD were created. China is constantly being provoked to repeat the Ukrainian scenario and launch a pre-emptive strike against the separatists in Taipei.

Under the conditions of the special military operation, fundamental changes occurred in the economy and social life of Russia. The planned, state component of the economy is sharply strengthening. The private sector is also increasingly focused on the nation’s interests and gains a lot from the mobilization. Russian society got rid of illusions about the possibility of a mutually beneficial partnership with the West.

Liberal capitalist ideas became marginal, and interest in socialism grew rapidly, especially among young people. Soviet-era films and music, studies of Stalin and his strategy are becoming increasingly popular.

Opinion polls have shown that about 50% of young people would like to live under socialism. Under the economic sanctions of the West, the markets are saturated with Chinese cars and other goods.

Their high quality changes outdated stereotypes about the Celestial Empire and stimulates reflection on the causes of the “Chinese miracle”.

In essence, the material and spiritual prerequisites for a gradual transition to the implementation of an updated model of socialism are growing in Russia.

There is no socialist party among the political parties in Russia. But there are think tanks, research groups and think tanks working on the idea of ​​Russian neo-socialism. I think that this alternative will soon be in great demand in Russia.

Translation: SM

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