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Social networks: WhatsApp declares war on its competitors with a shower of new features

WhatsApp now seems to be taking a completely different direction and standing out from its competitors. The chat platform has rolled out a historic update, which brings with it many new features.

With over 2 billion users, there’s no need to introduce WhatsApp. On Thursday, April 14, the app announced it was focusing on a major system overhaul. As announced by Mark Zuckerberg in a press release, WhatsApp now aims to centralize its social interactions through a single digital platform. Here are some features that mark the first steps of the platform towards a future social network. They will be “soon” available since WhatsApp has not yet given exact dates. But it won’t be long.

Centralize our social interactions

WhatsApp now aims to centralize our social interactions through a single digital platform, Mark Zuckerberg announced in a press release. Concretely, the application will borrow from everything that already exists on the market.

Like Slack and Discord, it will now be possible to create professional or personal discussion groups, focused on specific topics. The creators of these channels will now take on the role of moderators and will be able to delete messages from members that they deem inappropriate. For more security, it will also be possible to join these groups without displaying their phone number, but only their name.

It will also be possible to create communities that will centralize several distinct conversations. With the recent PC app updates, it looks like WhatsApp is planning to replace Slack in our work habits.

Regarding Messenger, WhatsApp borrows from its elder, since it will soon be possible to react to messages posted in the form of an emoji, as has already been the case for a long time on the Facebook platform. Group voice calls should also benefit from an improvement and will allow conferences of up to 32 people at the same time.

Finally, WhatsApp is playing on WeTransfer’s toes, and will soon be offering the sending of large files up to 2 GB. and the easiest on the market. However, GAFAM does not specify whether, as for WeTransfer, pro offers will increase this ceiling.

So many new features borrowed from the competition, and which plan to make WhatsApp the most versatile platform for exchanging with friends, colleagues or enthusiasts. Despite this openness to group conversations, the company has also re-emphasized security: all exchanges will remain secure and encrypted from end to end, with the exception of interactions linked to professional brand accounts such as after-sales service or chatbot. Other novelties should still be announced during the course of the year.

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