Not so long ago, in a more manageable digital world, there was Facebook and StudiVZ. Then MySpace, LinkedIn and Co. After that, developments came thick and fast.
One social network after the other shot up and you drew your raison d’etre from a certain uniqueness: Twitter with its open communication to everyone, Instagram with its pictures, TikTok with videos, Snapchat with the self-erasing messages, Clubhouse with its pure audio. Then came the big mix: everyone wanted everything. Copy the good ideas and unique selling points of the other services as quickly as possible. This is how what had to come came – instead of specialization, uniformity.
For the first time, the market now seems saturated. In the social networks you question the existence of others, sometimes even your own social networks. Facebook is constantly losing, Twitter wants less communication with everyone and more private and is doing away with itself. You don’t need an app that can do everything, just one app that connects everyone. That too is really nothing new. One application that connects all messengers. A portal through which you can manage all passwords. A standard. An entry point. It is time for simplification. A problem that has never been solved since the beginning of digitization. At some point there are too many services. Better uniform standards instead of interchangeable apps.