Home » News » Social housing requires $3.3 trillion • La Nación

Social housing requires $3.3 trillion • La Nación

The housing outlook in Colombia, as of February 2023, shows strong signs of slowdown and warning signs that must be addressed in a timely manner. This was warned by the president of the Colombian Chamber of Construction (Camacol), Guillermo Herrera, during the presentation of the figures for the building sector.

“The only way to put a stop to these alerts is for the private sector and the National Government to work jointly to ensure that, through the Budget Addition Law, the 3.3 trillion pesos are guaranteed to meet the pending Mi Casa subsidies and those projected for the remainder of the year,” added Herrera.

The president of the union recalled that 7 out of 10 units sold in the country are low-income housing (VIS) and that, precisely, to stop the slowdown in the sector and attend to the subsidies of Mi Casa Ya se They must ensure sufficient resources. To date, there are 40,000 households that have not been able to receive their homes due to the absence of subsidies from Mi Casa Ya. According to the Bank of the Republic, estimates for 2023 and 2024 project that the construction sector will not grow more than 1%.

According to figures from Coordenada Urbana, a large part of the problem of the slowdown in housing lies in the lack of resources assigned to comply with the allocation and disbursement of subsidies from Mi Casa Ya, which has generated the damming of 40,000 finished VIS, but that they have not been able to deliver due to the lack of subsidies, with the consequent economic effects for the families that are waiting for their homes and the builders.

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