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Social. “Excluded from the Ségur de la Santé”: the medico-social workers on strike this Thursday

The CGT union section of the APEI (Association of parents of unsuitable children) Moselle files a strike notice this Thursday, December 3, as part of the national notice already filed in the medico-social sector. “The social, medico-social and disability sector, although having been and still being on the front line to face the pandemic and take care of the most fragile and vulnerable populations, has been totally excluded from the national system. of salary increase of the Ségur de la Santé, ”said the union. In Moselle, the merger, in 2019, of the APEI and the AFAEi (Family association for aid to maladjusted children) adds difficulties, according to Aline Leroux, CGT union representative, because “the enlarged structure highlights a risk distance from the field of decision-making centers, but also between the homes of families and places where people are taken care of ”.

This Thursday, at 12 noon, in front of the premises of the association, at 89, chemin du Coteau, in Thionville, the demonstrators will post their demands: “Immediate revaluation of € 300 gross of the salaries of employees in the social and medico-social sector, immediate allocation of budgets allowing the necessary recruitments in our establishments, elimination of indices under the minimum wage, professional equality for all trades and recognition of hardship at work, and full retirement at age 57. “

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