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Social dialogue: Sekkouri details the priorities of the 2nd round

The increase in wages, the pension issue and the organic law establishing the conditions and modalities for exercising the right to strike are among the priority issues of the second round of social dialogue, underlined, Tuesday in Rabat, the Minister of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Employment and Skills, Younes Sekkouri.

In a statement to the press following a meeting with the Moroccan Labor Union (UMT) and the General Union of Moroccan Workers (UGTM), Mr. Sekkouri indicated that this second round relating to social dialogue is part of the April round which comes after a series of meetings held between members of the government, under the presidency of the Head of Government, the trade union centers and the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM).

“Today we are examining file by file, led by those relating to salary increases, retirement and the right to strike, in addition to other sectoral files,” he noted.

According to the minister, this round reflects the sincere will of the government, noting that this stage which is characterized by negotiation, takes seriously all the demands of the working class and the unions.

In a similar statement, Mohamed Haytoum, member of the national secretariat of the UMT noted that during this second round the focus was on three main subjects, namely, the general increase in salaries which will affect all sectors, except those who have already benefited from an increase at the start of the year.

The second subject concerns the reform of pension systems, he indicated, stressing the importance of remaining vigilant as to the acquired rights which should be preserved for retirees and future generations, in particular the retirement age which must be, according to him, optional and not obligatory.

Concerning the right to strike, he indicated that negotiations are still underway with a view to arriving at a balanced bill accepted by all parties.

This meeting took place in the presence, in particular, of the Minister Delegate in charge of Digital Transition and Administration Reform, Ghita Mezzour, the Minister of Economy and Finance, Nadia Fettah and the Minister Delegate to of the Minister of Economy and Finance, responsible for the Budget, Fouzi Lekjaa.

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– 2024-04-11 13:31:34

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