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Social affairs and education are the focus of the district budget – Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district

The district council of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald approves the budget for the coming year in Kirchzarten – due to the corona situation, however, only with a small cast and in a lightning session.

The district council of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald has passed the budget for the coming year – in a lightning-fast meeting. Due to the corona situation and for reasons of infection protection, only 36 out of 66 councilors were present at the vote. Five SPD parliamentary group members voted against the budget. The speeches were not made, but recorded.


“The budget for 2021 is balanced, it sets the right priorities. Despite the Corona crisis, it gives future generations the leeway they need to shape the future,” said parliamentary group spokesman Oliver Rein. Investments in local public transport, the district roads and education are important. Even if the situation at the Breisgau-S-Bahn had to improve and one was still far from the offer agreed with the train. The permanent increase in social spending leads to a structural problem in the district budget. “Funding between the federal and state governments must basically be reconsidered,” said Rein. He thinks the amount of the district levy is fair. “The corona pandemic has also shown us how important a municipal hospital system and good hospitals are in the district,” said Rein. There could be no question of an oversupply. The staff in the health department must be increased quickly. At the end of 2020, the debt was 76.3 million euros. “That’s a lot, but still acceptable,” said Rein.

Free voters
“We will be able to master the year 2021 properly financially. But the consequences of the pandemic will dramatically narrow the already tense financial situation in the medium term,” says Franz-Josef Winterhalter. The high investments in the expansion of local public transport would end; The next Herculean task, the new construction of adequate premises for the district administration, would be just around the corner. “And we have a huge debt burden in the three-digit million range,” said Winterhalter. The renovations started in the school building and in the street maintenance can be continued without significant restrictions, which Winterhalter noted as positive. He approved the budget on behalf of his group.


The Greens are pushing for climate protection to be a defining criterion for all decisions made by the district. The Greens expressly support the investments in the renovation and digitization of schools. The 50 district communities and towns largely ensure the district’s financial resources through the district levy. Unfortunately, the record amount of 8.5 million euros that the district spends in the social sector and high schools is missing in this budget year. This is justifiable under the given circumstances. “In the long run, however, this is at the expense of the district policy’s room for maneuver,” said parliamentary group spokesman Leopold Winterhalder, who again insisted on the introduction of the social ticket.
» Read the full speech here

The SPD did not agree to the budget. “For us, the major criticism of this budget is the focus,” said parliamentary group spokesman Martin Löffler. It cannot be that museums and a biathlon facility are funded with six-figure amounts and at the same time the district does not even take small amounts in hand to help those who are really in need. As an example, Löffler cited the social ticket for elementary school students that was not introduced. The budget is not being consolidated. Löffler described the savings efforts of the district council as “pathetic”. “In 2020 we had the highest district levy in the entire state of Baden-Württemberg, that is unacceptable,” said Löffler. The SPD parliamentary group also thinks that the financial burdens are not distributed fairly between the municipalities and the district.
» Read the full speech here

“The financial situation is precarious, unfortunately we do not have any prospects. 2021 will be the year of risks,” said parliamentary group spokesman Rudolf Gwinner. However, the district must invest and act as an “economic engine”. The group took the view that the system of the district levy should be replaced by a different financial model. Investments in education are important, and Gwinner also advocates the establishment of an information technology high school in Titisee-Neustadt. The building law authority should also be given more authority there. The district’s broadband offensive started too late. “Now it’s time to go full throttle,” said Gwinner. With regard to the new district office, the FDP favors a location outside the city of Freiburg. When it comes to road renovations, he calls for a topography bonus for the Black Forest.
Read the full speech here

“We can agree to the budget, it is better than expected,” said group spokesman Volker Kempf. Schools and streets would have priority and would be renovated to the planned extent. Local public transport will also be considered financially. Kempf expressed displeasure about the situation at the Breisgau S-Bahn. He also accused the country of delaying payments for the cost of housing refugees. He doubts that the tax shortfalls caused by Corona measures will also be compensated by the federal and state governments in the future. “Saving is still the trend,” says Kempf.
» Read the full speech here

District budget 2021

The budget for the coming year has been decided. The district’s debt level is expected to be around 133 million euros by the end of 2021. This corresponds to a slight decrease of 3.2 million euros. This includes both the debts of the core budget (74.6 million) and the company’s own businesses (58.1 million). However, the district still has outstanding claims on the country for costs that have been incurred in refugee accommodation since 2017. The largest investments are being made in schools: the district plans to invest 14.2 million euros next year. 6 million euros will flow into the district roads and 4.1 million euros into the fire brigade training center. At the meeting on Monday it was decided to bring forward an investment in the Breisgau S-Bahn of 6.9 million euros to 2020. The largest expenditure factor remains the area of ​​social affairs and youth with 137 million euros (an increase of 4.2 million euros). Personnel costs rise to 86.4 million euros (plus 3.8 million euros). The rate of assessment for the district levy is set at 34.97 v. H. set. This corresponds to 132.5 million euros that the municipalities and cities have to pay to the district.

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