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Social Activist: Don’t Take Your Organs To Heaven, Many Need It Here

Liputan6.com, Jakarta Donating organs such as kidneys is a scary thing for some people. However, this assumption does not apply to social activist Fransiska Ncis.

Recently, the woman who is familiarly called Siska has made a big decision in her life by donating one of her kidneys to her friend’s family. This story also spread on Twitter after being uploaded to his personal account.

This 30-year-old woman told me that the thought of donate kidney starting from a colleague who asked for help to donate blood.

“My friend called me one night, he asked for help because his brother needed a blood transfusion of type O+, I do routinely donate blood, both whole blood and platelet blood,” he told Health Liputan6.com via text message.

He also emphasized in a thread on his Twitter that his reason for donating a kidney was not followed by any cause other than humanity.

Many questions why I was this brave in deciding to donate a kidney. There is no other reason, other than humanitarian reasons.”

In another story that was shared, Siska also gave the news that the kidney donation went smoothly and yielded good results.

Imagine, before doing a kidney transplant, his kidney function was only 3 percent. And blood lab results before a kidney transplant, urea can usually be at 200 and creatinine at 16.”

But let’s see now after the kidney transplant, the blood lab results of his kidney function are all normal! Indeed, the power of kidney transplant is the best hope of patients with kidney failure,” he added.

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video-gallery--item__video-caption_read-video-article">Kidney function will not return to normal when you are diagnosed with chronic kidney failure. All you can do is maintain existing kidney function with routine dialysis one to three times every week.

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