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Soccer. Racism towards Mpasi (Rodez) in Toulouse: almost five months later, where is the case?

Victim of a racist insult in Toulouse (1-1) on December 13, Lionel Mpasi finds his former club on Monday May 2, in Paul-Lignon, at 8:45 p.m., during the 36th day of Ligue 2. When the he investigation is at a standstill and the Ruthenian goalkeeper is in dire straits.

Until then in full effervescence of a derby at the Stadium, in Toulouse, the evening of Monday December 13, 2021 tipped into the unacceptable. When, a few minutes after Rodez equalized (goal against Diakité in the 84th minute), Ruthenian goalkeeper Lionel Mpasi was the victim of a racist insult (“dirty monkey”), coming from a supporter present in the kop of the Violets.

The individual fled. The match was briefly stopped by the referee before coming to an end. The president of the Haut-Garonne club “excuse” on behalf of his institution “with the player”, shared the CCTV tapes with the police and then filed a complaint against X for Téfécé. What the Franco-Congolese porter did not want to do. About a month later, the LFP Disciplinary Committee decided to condemn Toulouse to a suspended withdrawal point.

The author has still not been identified.

And almost twenty weeks after the events, where is the investigation of the police? Stalled, according to sources familiar with the matter, since the alleged perpetrator has still not been identified. Her insult, she, “has done a lot of harm” to Lionel Mpasi, according to what the latter had confided in a press release published the next day. This terrible memory should resurface Monday, May 2 (8:45 p.m.), during the return match at Paul-Lignon, when the goalkeeper is already going through a difficult period.

Because this Rodez – Toulouse will also be the meeting after, of the one who saw, in Nîmes (3-2) on April 23, his failed clearance caused a cruel defeat to his team. “I’m disappointed for him but, at some point, you have to be able to do the right thing, in the right place, at the right time”, pointed out Laurent Peyrelade in the Gard. Especially since the last bastion recently caused the blood and gold to lose more than one point, by scoring against their camp, following a handball error, during the reception of Niort (1-1), at the beginning of the month.

Enough to prevent the Raf from getting out of its negative series, now increased to 18 matches without success, including nine defeats. A second in a row, Monday, could even allow the 19th, Dunkirk, to return to equal points two days before the end of the season.

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