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Soccer. N2: Vannes OC joined on the wire in Chartres

N2. Chartres – Vannes OC : 1-1

The Vannetais however inherited a small sign of fate when Palbrois, on a poorly executed tackle, received a red card in the 4th minute. In numerical superiority for more than 85 minutes, the Voc logically took the upper hand, but lacked success when Barry found the crossbar (18 ‘) and precision after a header from just outside Persico (24 ‘). After letting the storm pass without damage, Chartres was gaining volume and its highlights were very close to being rewarded, but Noubi kept watch on attempts by Hémia (31′, 37′) and a free kick from Archimbaud (36′). The Vannetais were not to be outdone, forcing Barry to fend off shots from Ebrard (31′) and Daury (41’).

It ended in their smile when a header from Jonathan N’Sondé deceived the local goalkeeper (0-1, 48 ‘). Little by little, the Vannes machine jammed, leaving Chartres free to gain the upper hand at all levels. After a first scare on a punch clearance by Nakalissa, who fell on the crossbar (55′), Vannes was forced to finish at ten, after the exclusion of striker N’Sondé (68′). Dominated, the Voc escaped thanks to the parades of Noubi (70′, 90′), but the Vannes goalkeeper could only see the damage on a strike from Louzif (1-1, 90’ + 6). Infuriating!


Referee: M. Roffet.

Spectators: 700 environ.

BUTS. Chartres: Louzif (90′ + 6); Valves: N’Sonde (48′).

Exclusions. Chartres: Palbrois (4′); Vannes: N’Sonde (68′).

Warnings. Chartres: Flying (80′), Hemia (90′ + 3); Vannes: N’Sonde (35′), Persico (45′), Nakalissa (90′ + 2).

CHARTRES : Barry – Konaté (Louzif, 64′), Malaga, Fofana, Archimbaud – Hemia, Chantôme, Gazeau – Palbrois, Sidibé (Francou, 61′), Haddadou.

VALVES: Noubi – Nakassila, Lescot, Le Nedic, Berenice – N’Sonde, Quintin (Ngoubou, 64′), Daury, Salibur – Persico, Ebrard (Le Mauff, 87′).

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