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Soccer. Long shaken by Langueux, Chartres-de-Bretagne ensures the essential with its qualification

Brittany Cup (16th finals). Langueux (R2) – Chartres-de-Bretagne (R1): 0-1

The Chartres coach admitted after the match, “the important thing in a Cup match is simply qualifying”. And yet, it was far from obvious for the visitors in this match which opposed them to the first of Regional 2. A match which started under the best auspices for the Bretilliens, where they showed themselves to be technically correct and above all dangerous.

It was therefore no great surprise that they opened the scoring through Axel Mulot (28′), thus placing Chartres-de-Bretagne in orbit for the rest of the match. During this first act, Langueux seemed lost, disoriented. “You can’t win a match without playing the first forty-five minutes, we were insufficient in too many areas,” admitted coach Boubacar Barry. The Costarmoricains therefore joined the locker room, led to the score by the smallest of margins.

The awakening of the Greens

But on returning from the locker room, the trend of the match was completely reversed. “Psychologically, we left with much better intentions in second, and that was immediately felt in our game”. The speech of the Langueusian coach totally revived his men. More disciplined, fair, and quick in their offensives, the Greens have brought danger many times to the Bretillian cage. It will however remain inviolate thanks to the amounts but also thanks to its doorman Aram Jumel, imperial in its surface. The regrets of elimination are therefore great for the locals who have not been unworthy, but who can deplore their failed first period. For Chartres-de-Bretagne, the Cup journey continues…


Referee: Mickael Perree.

BUT. Chartres-de-Bretagne: Mulot (28′)

Warnings. Langueux: Mr. Bangoura (55′); Chartres-de-Bretagne: Pirot (45′).

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