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Sobyanin promised to maintain restrictions until the advent of the vaccine

Sanitary restrictions imposed to control the spread of coronavirus infection COVID-19 will not be fully removed until a disease-protective vaccine is created. This was stated on the television channel “Russia 24” by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. “I’m afraid that the regime of self-preservation, these are sanitary restrictions, it will last long until we get the vaccine,” Sobyanin said. “But this does not mean that we should be locked up all the time. We should live normally, normal life. “

  • Since June 1, Sobyanin allowed to open non-food stores and consumer services enterprises that do not require long-term contact with visitors.
  • Muscovites in test mode will be allowed to take walks on schedule. Moscow residents will be allowed to walk three times a week – two walks on weekdays and one on weekends. From 5 to 9 in the morning you can walk without restrictions.

The schedule of walks for each house is published on mos.ru. The schedule of walks will also be posted at the entrances of residential buildings and delivered to the residents’ mailboxes, the city hall website says. The head of the capital’s information technology department Eduard Lysenko told reporters that the schedule will also be available in the My Moscow application and Yandex.Maps.

  • Starting June 1, the transfer of hospitals to planned care will also begin. According to Sobyanin, over the past two weeks the number of hospitalizations and new cases of coronavirus in the capital has decreased by 40%. The mayor said that these statistics allow us to talk about further relaxation of restrictions.
  • From June 1, masks (respirators or other respiratory protective equipment) will need to be worn when leaving the house. The need for this Sobyanin associated with the fact that the townspeople got the right to leave the house, not only on business, but simply for a walk.
  • Also on Wednesday, the Moscow Mayor signed a decree on the extension of the so-called self-isolation regime in the Russian capital until June 14. Digital work permits for transport trips will be renewed automatically.

Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova reported that Russian experts are simultaneously developing 47 vaccines from COVID-19, and the director of the National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after N.F. Gamalei predicted that mass vaccination against COVID-19 could start as early as the fall of 2020.

Moscow ranks first among all regions of Russia in the number of cases of coronavirus infection and deaths from it. In recent days, according to official data, the number of cases detected in a day in Moscow has been declining, more people are recovering in a day than they are getting sick.

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