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“Soap and water” women: these are the zodiac signs they belong to

Water and soap, it is said. To mean a completely natural look. Which is not careless, but it is very simple. And there are women who like it that way.

Sometimes, actually, it is the style adopted by those who are always perpetually late, but sometimes it is just a way of being. Some women do not feel comfortable with makeup, preferring an image less cast and more spontaneous.

It is not said that all professions require make up or heels. Fortunately for these signs, there are situations in which you can safely work in overalls or pajamas, with hot coffee in your hands and absolutely no make-up: it is smart working, a cross and a delight for those who do not want to leave the house.

1) Cancer

Cancer is sometimes a bit in the clouds, it often appears distracted, in its world, always occupied with its things. Let alone if she has the desire and time to put on makeup every day. He is not careless, he is just very lazy. He would go out in his pajamas if he could. In fact, it wouldn’t come out at all. Only when he has a date with his partner or an important business appointment does he put on make-up and dress well, to the point of being unrecognizable in the eyes of those who see him every day.

2) Aquarius

Soap and water, jeans and a T-shirt: this is the aquarium. He doesn’t pay much attention to aesthetics, except for some important occasions. And she doesn’t really want to be in front of the mirror wearing makeup either. He gets irritated and loses his patience. The only valid reason that keeps the sign from leaving the house immediately is in the hair, always so difficult to manage. But otherwise, simplicity is his style. And the make-up and clothing operations always require a few minutes in the case of the sign. To the great satisfaction of his partner and his friends.

3) Pisces

Very accurate in clothing but little inclined to wear makeup. In fact it does not need it, already expressing its own considerable charm. Thus the Pisces woman always dresses in a very elegant and very glamorous way, but with a very natural style on the face. Very little powder and a veil of gloss if you are in the mood, otherwise not even that. In any case, the sign is already spinning its own head, because it has a natural charisma.

4) Aries

Strange to say, the ram woman always has a very sober style. That is sportswear, or even elegant, but always very linear and without excesses and a make-up limited to the essential. The sign loves to show off but at the level of presence, intellect, proposals, not so much on the make-up side. From this point of view, he prefers a minimalist style. A few jewels, a little powder and off you go.


The Taurus woman is very simple, both in the way she dresses and puts on her make-up. It limits itself to the essential. A little because of its traditional slowness, a little because it tends not to be too flashy. She is a woman without excess, who uses natural tones and doesn’t particularly like to show off with makeup. His style is extremely sober, preferring the soap and water style even at work, where he stands out, if anything, for his competence.

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